Looming Threats

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"Well, now that you've joined us, Midoriya..." Ryukyu's voice spoke as Izuku was with her inside of her office. "Please, tell me what do you wish to learn."

"Well, I'm almost there at the full extent with my Quirk. My secondary ability has been mastered with control, but I have been taking it to new heights."

The Quirk he was talking about was Blackwhip, which he decided to unveil to the Dragoon Hero. "Blackwhip has been mastered in its uses, and I've been able to some good things with it. But I feel like I haven't been able to make it reach its full potential yet."

Ryukyu put a finger to her chin as she began to think. "Hmm... You said you know how to use Haki, correct?"

"Yeah. Nejire told me that she also knew how to use it because you taught her. Both Armament and Observation."

"Indeed I did, but I only taught her Observation, not Armament." The Dragoon Heroine replied , surprising Izuku as she made her way to the window. "It was one of my sidekicks that happened to know the defensive skill. And with that, I can say with pride that my dear Nejire-Chan became even stronger.

I think that you can do something like her. You see, like how Haki and Devil Fruits make their users more stronger, it can be the same for those with Quirks."


"Yes. For example, Endeavor conjures a flaming arrow before he imbues it with his Armament, which allows him to gain a hit that knocks out opponents with swiftness.

Your Blackwhip can be something like that. Have you even tried to form something with it and imbue your Haki?"

"I mean, I did form a chain, and I used Blackwhip to make all sorts of items like a key... Are you saying that with my Haki, it's possible for me to make Blackwhip into a weapon?"

"Not just any weapon, but possibly something along the lines of a sword or a spear. Think of it this way: Your Blackwhip is a tool that can help you, and Haki is there to aid in your work. Use those two things to make something that can aid you in battle. Try to think of a weapon that you want your secondary Quirk to form, and with your Armament Haki, it will happen. And considering on how you told me that you made small things like a key and chain, I have no doubt that you could do it now. Why not give my theory a test run?"

Izuku decided to do what his new work study mentor suggested that he do, and focused. Blackwhip came out around his arm and got into his grip. Two of the tendrils combined together to form a sword before he imbued his hand in Armament Haki, hardening Blackwhip as it became an actual weapon.

"Holy crap! I actually did it!" Izuku said with both surprise and excitement as the other tendrils disconnected with the sword, but it didn't fade away due to the Armament Hardening. "This is it! I made a weapon with Blackwhip!" He said while gripping onto the sword with a grin on his face.

 "This is it! I made a weapon with Blackwhip!" He said while gripping onto the sword with a grin on his face

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