A Girl's Ego

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Back in Kamino Island, Shoko breathed as she gained her strength back after seeing her older brother leave. She balled her hand into a fist. "Not yet..."

"Boxes 17 to 32 are currently being transported! They're gonna pass by Gunga soon!" One of Tsukauchi's men shouted as he checked it out.

"That's good. At least the people will be out of the cross fire." Tsukauchi said while breathing a sigh of relief.

But that sigh of relief was soon extinguished when one of his men fell to the ground in shock. "Ahhhh!!!"

"What is it now?!"

"From bad to worse!" The officer responded. "The heat! Gunga! Dabi's heat!"

"What about his heat?! Speak clearly!" Tsukauchi ordered as he grabbed a hold of him. "Is Endeavor dead?!"

"No, not yet! But... he will be!" The officer answered. "Out analysis is conclusive! Ever since Dabi got knocked out the first time... he's been building it up inside... He hasn't stopped... condensing that thermal energy within. At the current pace, in around ten minutes or so... or maybe even just a few minutes... he'll annihilate himself! And when that condensed thermal energy is released... it'll trigger a massive high-pressure explosion... that'll burn everything off the map within 5 kilometers."

Tsukauchi was now in complete shock upon hearing this. He knew that if that were to happen, the people inside the boxes that were being evacuated to Shiketsu would be killed since they're on the blast radius.

"U.A. in the East Blue, Shiketsu in the West Blue... The route between them passed near Gunga, in the Kinki Region. Although it's a far distance, ever since this war started, the boxes were already on the move to the evacuation zones..." La Brava muttered while continuing to work.

"Did Dabi somehow plan it this way on purpose? No... how could he know?" Tsukauchi muttered as he looked at the screen, which showed Endeavor flying away from the scene with his first child being literally hot on his tail. "Wait, what if at that time... Skeptic provided him with that key detail?"

"Reach out to them! There's no time!" La Brava shouted in worry. "Within that blast zone... are the evacuation box that's still heading to its destination!"

"Should we order them to stop?"

"No use! If they stop, they'll just be stuck in the ocean. And considering how tough the pressure of water is, I don't know how long it can hold before water breaks through. We'll just have to take the boxes speed up."

"You're still feeling the blowback from your Phosphor, Todoroki!" Iida said as he help Shoko stand up.

"I said I'm fine!" She assured him while nearly falling. "They're saying that Toya would become a bomb soon... and that Mom, Natsu and Fuyumi are in the blast zone. But I'm still on my feet. I need to get to Gunga, no matter what. Here's the plan..."

She leaned in and whispered her plan to Iida. "It's risky, but thanks to the rain, my engines' heat have cooled down. I'll do it." He said before giving her his mask. "I'll become the boost of speed you need to stop your brother. Recipro Turbo..."

His engines started up before instantly moving up to their maximum speed on Recipro Turbo mode, which allowed Iida to blast through three buildings. "Maximum Speed!" And so, with that, Iida carried Shoko on his back as he blasted off, being so fast that he ran on the water.

Meanwhile, in the same prisoner where Garaki was held as well...

"Himura blood runs thick." Former lieutenant of the Paranormal Liberation Front, Geten, said as he and Mr. Compress, AKA Atsuhiro Sako, were in the same cell together.

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