Stealth Mission on the Gran Tresoro

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"How much long does this have to take?" Izuku's asked, for he was getting bored and wanted to get there now.

"Don't worry, Dekiru. We're almost at the Reverse Mountain. And knowing that we aren't gonna be able to go through the water, I have a different way of going around it. Speaking of which, we're already making our way toward it." Melissa said, seeing on the monitor that the mountain was right in front of them.

Moving the dial, she switched the car from submarine mode to jet mode before quickly ascending to surface levels. Once the car made it out of the way and transformed into a jet, it blasted up over the mountain quickly.

"All right. We're gonna be there in about either two hours or an hour and a half, depending if I accelerate the gas." Melissa said before flicking some switches. "Mom, activate Autopilot please."

"Autopilot, activate." A female robotic voice answered, activating the vehicle's autopilot as they continued to fly through the air.

"Mom?" Izuku asked with confusion, wanting to know what that meant. "Motherboard of Management. That's what M.O.M. stands for." She replied before turning to him. "So, since we have time before we make it there, wanna have little quickie?"

"Is that even possible in here?" Kaina asked her. "With the mods me and Mei did to this car, obviously it's possible." Melissa replied, flicking some switches before all of a sudden the jet became a little more bigger, enough for them to move around on instead of being stuck in the cockpit.

"By shifting the plates around to give room for more to be added in, this allows the jet to get a little bit bigger." Melissa explained before the seats moved to form a makeshift bed of sorts.

"So, if everything's set, shall we get started?~" Kaina asked as she began to strip herself of her clothes. Melissa and Izuku followed through and began their little mating as they flew straight for Foosha Village.

Speaking of the village that's part of the Goa Kingdom, the people of the village were dealing with the situation that made them alerted of it.

A couple of hours ago, some pirates were in the area and were stirring up some trouble. They still were doing that right now. Unfortunately for the villagers, Red-Haired Shanks wasn't there to help out.

These pirates were currently at Makino's bar, drinking beer and ordering her around. Her adult son, who helps his mother out, was watching in anger as these pirates were forcing his mother to bring them drinks.

When he tried to stand up for her, it only resulted in being attacked. Dadan, her bandits and the others tried to help, but it resulted in a fight that left them badly injured.

"No... No! Let my boy go!" Makino cried out as she saw the pirates holding her boy hostage. "Let him go, dammit!" Dadan shouted as she was held by the members of her bandit group in order to stand up.

"The hell Makino's kid has to go and get himself into some trouble?" Dogra asked as he stood next to Magra while holding their weapons in hand. "Apparently, this asshole wasn't just making the kid mad by ordering his mommy around, but insulting Luffy's memory was the last straw that broke the camels back."

"You know, ya piece of shit," The leader of the pirates said to the son of Makino, who was looking worried before getting pistol whipped by the captain.

"You could've avoided this if you didn't say jack shit and didn't care. What's so important about this idiot?" He pointed to the statue of Luffy that was in the middle of the town. "What is so important of about the grandson to the Hero of the Marines, who died in the most stupidest way possible? To a bullet, in fact. A FUCKING bullet! He's made of rubber! That fucker was made of rubber, and he died to one... round... bullet. It just proves what terrible luck he had."

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