Chapter 1: A Heroes Night in Seattle

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One night at a place called Seattle, there is an old woman pushing a shopping cart across the street with her pet dog. She looks down for a second to her dog before noticing the high speed chase close by. Driving past is a large truck with the Seattle Police department on its tail. Inside the truck are two robbers who have hijacked it, with one more at the wheel

"They're still on us!" One of the robbers says.

His fellow robbers throw him an ignited stick of dynamite.

"This'll slow them down!" The robber says and throws the dynamite at the police.

Noticing the dynamite, the police car tries to dodge the explosive. When the dynamite lands on the street, it explodes, causing the police car to hit a group of trash cans. The other car proceeds the car chase.

Up on one of the buildings is Sonic watching the ordeal. He tightens up his shoes, does some stretches, jumps in place and ready energy, cracks his knuckles, does some air pumps, and eats a chili dog. Once all that is done, he jumps off the building and uses his speed to run along the street.

Sonic makes airplane noises and calls out, "Watch out! 'Cuse me! Pardon me! Coming through!"

Sonic speeds up to the side window of the truck and kicks the drives while holding the railing of the truck roof, "Good evening, gentlemen. Mind if I drive?" and kicks the driver making the door on his side open with him clinging.

Then Sonic takes the wheel, "You better buckle up!"

Sonic then makes a right turn, causing the bank robbers in the back to collide into one another, and a dynamite to fall out. Before it can explode, a bubble of energy traps it and explodes inside. Then Eve speeds up and kicks it into the air. It pops and the smoke spreads high in the sky.

Eve groans, "I can't believe I had to deal with this again."

Then Eve speeds ahead to catch up with the bank truck as the Seattle Police are still in pursuit.

"How we doing back there?" Sonic asks, making another turn.

That causes the bank robbers to collide into one of the walls in the truck

And Sonic says, "And now this way!" And makes another turn.

Causing the robbers to hit the other wall. Soon, the money they stole began to fly out. Eve then uses her speed to collect the dollars and soon find the bank bag to stuff them in. She then proceeds to chase after quickly placing the bag on one of the police that has stopped.

Sonic continues laughing and cheering, "Woo-hoo!"

Soon enough, Eve speeds inside the truck to see the Armored Truck guard in the back looking and pleads to Sonic, mumbling due to the duct tape over his mouth

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't speak duct tape," Sonic says.

"Sonic!" Eve sternly says.

Sonic turns with a smile, "Hey sis, you're just in time to help."

"More like to stop you from getting us into trouble, again," Eve says.

She then removes the duct tape from the guard's mouth.

The man panics, "Truck Security Guard: What the heck are you?!"

"Fear not, citizen. I am the hero you need and the hero you deserve. The blue dawn that banishes the darkest-" Sonic says with pride.

Eve looks ahead and cries out, "Sonic, look out!"

Sonic looks ahead and cries out, "HOLY CRAP!"

Sonic quickly notices a pedestrian on the street and quickly turns the wheel to drive around her. The guard has been screaming the whole time.

Sonic and Eve the Hedgehogs 2 2022Where stories live. Discover now