Chapter 9: Labyrinth Battle

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Back in Hawaii, after escaping from the basement, Maddie and Eve have Tails placed down against the tree to check on him. And soon they hear something that gains their attention. They turn their heads to see a large pillar of green light visible across the ocean.

"Guys, what is that?" Tom asks.

"A big problem. The compass led Robotnik to the Emerald," Maddie says.

"That's got to be hundreds of miles away," Maddie says.

"You're right. It looks like it's across the ocean," Eve says.

"All right. Huddle up. Let's figure out a plan. Together," Tom says.

However, Sonic begins to walk off, "There's no time for that. I'm the only one that can get there fast enough."

"Sonic, this is way too big for you to do by yourself," Maddie says.

Sonic stops and moves his hand to the unconscious Tails, "You see that little fox over there? He came all the way across the universe to meet his hero. And what did his hero do? I practically got him killed. You know what? You were right. My moment came and I blew it. I'm no hero."

"Sonic, Wait," Eve says.

"No, Eve. I'm not letting you or anyone else get hurt because of me. I'm gonna fix this while I still can," Sonic says, and dashes off.

"Sonic!" Tom calls out.

"Sonic!" Eve calls out.

Soon, Tails awakens to see Sonic running off. "Sonic, wait!"

Tails tries to fly to catch up to Sonic, but due to his condition, he's no shake to fly and falls to the ground.

Eve turns her head, "Tails!"

"Chao Chao!" Jazz calls out.

Eve and the others rush to Tails.

"Hold on. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait. Don't move. Don't move," Maddie says.

"Take it easy, little guy. You're hurt," Tom says.

Jazz flies to Tails, "Chao. Chao Chao." And hugs Tails.

"It's okay, girl. I'm alright," Tails says, and hugs Jazz back.

"Are you sure? What happened was really bad?" Eve asks.

"I'll be alright, but we have to help him. You don't know what he's up against," Tails says.

Everyone soon turns their focus towards the green beam.

With determination, Eve says, "I gotta go after him."

"Eve, are you sure about this?" Tom asks.

"I'm sure. Sonic and I have been getting into trouble together and we've been together for a long time. I'm not going to stop that now. I don't care if I get hurt, I know that my brother needs me," Eve says.

Eve looks at Tom with determined and caring eyes.

Tom sighs, "Alright, just promise to be careful. You and Sonic."

"I will," Eve says.

Then Eve hurries off to catch up to Sonic.

Then Tom and Maddie turn to Walters who is tied up.

"You believe us now?" Tom questions.

Walters nods and lowers his head.

Meanwhile, back at Green Hills, Wade is riding down the streets on a Segway, wearing a helmet with a police light on it.

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