Chapter 3: Hedgehogs Home Alone

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Time passed at the Wachowski house, Tom and Maddie dressed and went back to go to a special event.

"How excited are you to go to Hawaii with me, ah yeah?" Tom asks, excited.

As the two enter the living room, they see Sonic, Eve, and Ozzie wearing sunglasses. Eve is holding a clipboard while Sonic is holding a spatula. All three are standing in front of a Ring Portal with a view of Hawaii visible through it.

"Welcome to Sonic Air, the fastest way to travel. Now boarding groups one and two," Sonic says.

Maddie laughs, "Aww, Sonic! This is so fun!" and walks over.

But Sonic blocks her, "I'm sorry ma'am, you're group three. Please wait your turn. Anyone from groups one and two?"

"Just let him get it out of his system," Tom says to Maddie.

"Yeah, just let Sonic have his fun," Eve says.

Maddie giggles, "I can see you're having fun too, Eve."

"Well, yeah," Eve replies, shrugging her shoulders.

"Okay, and everybody else?" Sonic says, "Right this way."

"Thank you." Maddie says, and walks forward.

Then Sonic pretends to scan her with a spatula, making scanning noises in the process. Maddie and Eevee laugh in reply.

"And you, sir?" Sonic says.

As Maddie goes, Tom walks up, and Sonic does the same to him.

"Terrible shirt detected," Sonic says, making Eve laugh.

"There we go," Tom says.

"Okay, you're free to go. Enjoy your trip. Buh-bye now," Sonic says.

"Okay," Tom says, and bends down to the hedgehogs' level as he opens his arms, "Bring it in."

But Sonic says, "Tom, I'm about to be the hedgehog of the house for the first time. I think I'm a little mature to hug you goodbye."

Then Maddie bends down and makes a fist, "Okay, what about a power bump?"

"Power bump," Tom says and makes a fist as well.

"Yes! Power bump! That's more like it," Sonic says, excited.

"Sounds good to me," Eve says.

Sonic, Eve, Tom, and Maddie all do a power bump as they raise up and unclench their fist, "Wachowski!"

Then Tom and Maddie head their way through the Ring portal as Sonic holds a ring in his hand, "Okay, use this one to get back home."

Sonic tosses the Ring to Tom.

Tom catches it, "All right, we're off. Okay, be good!"

Tom and Maddie walk through the other side of the Ring.

"Yes, you have our number," Maddie says.

"Sorry, I can't hear you, you're traveling through a cross dimensional portal!" Sonic says.

Eve waves goodbye, "Bye Tom. Bye Maddie."

Soon, the Ring Portal begins to close.

"Miss you already!" Tom says.

"Okay!" Maddie says.

"Have fun at Rachel's wedding!" Sonic says.

"Tell Rachel and Jojo we say hi," Eve says.

Maddie does an air kiss, just as the Ring closes out of existence.

"Okay, it's 48 hours until they come back. We've got TV channels, streaming channels, a house full of food, and no supervision," Sonic says.

Sonic and Eve the Hedgehogs 2 2022Where stories live. Discover now