Epilogue: Project Shadow

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Meanwhile, at the Giant Eggman Robot wreckage, the G.U.N agents have blocked the area as they search around the wreckage for any signs of Robotnik.

Walters walks up to a female agent and says, "Agent, I want an update."

The female G.U.N agent says, "Still searching, sir. We haven't found any sign of Robotnik."

"No one could've survived that crash. He's toast. Good riddance," Walter says as he and the agent walk past a few of the others, "What a mess that lunatic made."

Unknown to Walters and the female agent, a masked agent walks behind the pair to reveal the conversation. He slowly pulls down his mask to reveal himself to be Agent Stone, who has survived the wreckage of the robot.

Just then, the female agent says, "Sir, there's something else. When we were wiping Robotnik off our database, we found something: a file buried deep in our system and dating back over 50 years."

"What was it?" Walters asks.

"Coordinates, sir," The female agent answers

"Coordinates, to what?" Walters questions.

Meanwhile, at a strange unknown area, it almost looks like a kind of secret facility. The machines turn on and something begins to rise as smoke comes out. Rising from the ground looks to be a capsule of some kind, and there is something, or someone trapped inside it.

The conversation continues as the female agent says, "A secret research facility. It was a black site, sir. Someone worked very hard to keep this hidden."

Inside the capsule, is a male black-furred anthropomorphic hedgehog. He has a patch of white fur on his chest, a black nose, a tan muzzle, and small, triangular ears with tan canals. He also has five quills on his head, four of which curve upwards while the other curves downward, and a short, pointy tail. He also has red stripes along the tops of each of his head quills, along with around the edges of his eyes. For attire, He wears white gloves with black cuffs and red tongues, red, white and black shoes which, like his gloves, have black cuffs and red tongues, and gold rings, one on each of his wrists and ankles. Despite the black and red hedgehog's masculine appearance, this hedgehog has a very strong resemblance to Eve, almost like twins.

Just then, Walters says in shock, "My god... Project Shadow."

The hedgehog wakes up to reveal his red eyes. And in the matter of seconds, his eyes flaring up bright red-orange chaos energy.

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