Chapter 10: Egg Robot Battle

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At the Mean Bean Coffee Cafe, Stone is handcuffed to the chair being interrogated by Wade, who is holding a butter knife.

Wade says to Stone, "I'm done playing games, pal. You're gonna tell me what I want to know. And I am asking you... for the last time..." and holds up a plate with a display bagel on it.

"What would you like on your bagel?" Wade asks.

"I'm not telling you anything, and that is a display bagel," Stone says.

That makes Wade frustrated, "I don't get it with you! I mean, I've tried everything. I was good cop. I was bad cop. I was cop who offers you a bagel. And nothing. It's like..." Wade tries to bite into it, but soon realizes, "That is a display bagel. Wow."

Suddenly, all the lights in the cafe glow green and Robotnik appears in the room ,levitating next to them with green electricity coming out of his body.

"Doctor, you're here," Stone says.

Wade sets himself to defend himself with the knife.

"Yes, I'm here, and yet I'm... Not all there," Robotnik says with his voice sounding distorted.

"Sir, are you feeling okay?

"I'm more than okay. I'm upgraded," Robotnik says.

And creates music buttons in midair, "Sinister 3.0. My game is next level."

Robotnik then teleports behind Stone, startling him, "Hi."

Robotnik then grabs Stone, "I can smell the electricity in your brain."

And turns to Wade, "You smell like a snack plate."

Wade nods his head, "Yeah, no, that's fair. I had a couple today."

Then Robotnik teleports himself behind Wade as he takes the display bagel, "Sit down."

Wade then lowers himself.

But Robotnik says, "In the chair." and unlock the cuffs telekinetically allowing Stone to stand up.

Then Wade takes his place and sits on the chair.

"I didn't know. 'Cause he, 'cause he was in the chair, so I didn't. Okay," Wade says.

Robotnik then eats the display bagel, "Sir, we have a problem."

Stone then presses a button to fold the blinds back to reveal that the Mean Bean Coffee Cafe has been surrounded by tanks and G.U.N agents with loaded weapons. All the agents continue to arrive at the cafe and ready to fire.

Different G.U.N agents shouts, "All teams in position! Set up a perimeter! Move! Move! Move!"

Seeing the Agents, Robotnik says, "Incorrectus, my trusty barnacle. After all these years, what I finally got... Is a solution."

Back outside, a helicopter lands a few yards away. Once landed, Walters, Tom, and Maddie come out of the helicopter.

One of the agents walks up to them, "Commander."

"Status report," Walter says.

"Robotnik is in there with Stone and a hostage. Possibly local PD. And I'm not saying he's dumb, but if he is local PD, this town's in a lot of trouble," The female agent says, escorting them to the cafe.

Tom and Maddie look at each other, "Wade."

Soon, Walters, Tom, and Maddie arrive at the cafe as well. Soon, the doors to the cafe open with steam coming out, and Robotnik comes out, levitating up to everyone with green electricity emerging from him.

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