Chapter 2: Father and Hedgehog Talk

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Later at the lake of Montana, Sonic, Tom, and Eve are in a rowboat in the middle of the lake, fishing.

"Ahh, what a day. Thanks for coming out, guys. You know, I feel like you and me, we haven't had much time together lately," Tom says.

"Yeah. It has been a while since we hung out together and had a relaxing time," Eve says.

However, Sonic isn't saying a word.

"How's it going over there? Did you get any bites?" Tom asks.

"No. I'm not getting anything. Not even a nibble," Eve says. "Sonic on the other hand..."

Then turns to her brother, Sonic, who is actually asleep, snoring, and a bit of drool coming out of his mouth. Tom bends over, rocking the boat, causing Sonic to fall into the water.

Falling into the cold wet water, causing Sonic to wake up in a panic

"Sonic!" Eve cries out.

Sonic continues to try to swim in a panic as he cries out, "Ahh! I can't swim! If I die, don't look in my closet!"

Eve quickly grabs Sonic and tries to pull him out. Tom bends over and helps Eve get Sonic back in the boat.

"Hey, hey. You're good! You're alright, come on!" Tom says as he helps Eve pull Sonic out.

"It's freezing," Sonic says, shivering.

Tom then gets a blanket and wraps it around Sonic, "Alright, OK, take it easy. Alright, you good?"

"Are you alright?" Eve asks.

"Just really cold right now," Sonic says, still shivering.

Just then, Tom says, "OK. But, now that you've had a nap and a bath. I went up to your room last night to bring you both some new comics and um..."


Tom walks upstairs to see what appears to be Sonic reading a newspaper upside down, and Eve isn't here. Tom walks closer, but his foot touches a rope in front of him. That makes Sonic waves his hand up and down while a radio recording play in the background

Sonic says over the radio, "Woah, woah, woah, woah, stop right there! I wouldn't come any closer because this little hedgehog had way too many chili dogs. Oh no, oh no!" and shows Sonic imitating fart sounds, "I'm so embarrassed! Get out of here! Quick!"

Soon, the newspaper drops to reveal a statue of Sonic, which is poorly made and has a goofy face on it.

The radio continues, "Oh no! Here comes another one!" and continues the farting sounds, "Go! Now! Save yourself!"

The radio repeats Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. Stop right there. I wouldn't come any closer because..."

Tom looks unimpressed as the statue falls apart with the radio repeats the recording, distorting in the process.

He soon finds a note on Eve's bed. He looks at it and it says, 'Sonic decides to try the super hero act again, going after him to make sure he doesn't get caught, trouble, or destroy something. -Eve."

Tom chuckles as he shakes his head.

Flashback Ends:

Sonic groans in disappointment, "Ugh. I knew I should have used real farts."

Eve facepalms her forehead, "And I told you to stop doing your crazy stunts that will get us into trouble."

"We did not get into too much trouble out there," Sonic says.

"We almost did," Eve says, annoyed.

"And why did you leave Tom a letter?" Sonic asks.

"Uh to know that we'll be gone in case he sees that weird replica of yourself," Eve says and giggles.

Sonic sticks his tongue out at Eve in reply. Eve does the same. That causes the two to laugh a bit.

Just then, Tom slaps a newspaper between them. Headline reads 'The Daily Observer: Mayhem in Seattle.' Eve groans as she figures it's about the fiasco.

"How many times are we gonna do this?" Tom questions.

"What? Cast your line and not catch anything? Seems like a billion," Sonic questions.

But Tom says to Sonic, "I think you know what I'm talking about. The lying, the sneaking out, the-the pretending to be Batman." Then Tom says to Eve, "And lets not forget not telling us when something happens right away, and try to fix the problem yourself. And sneaking out to try to stop the problem."

"Blue Justice, Red Wing, trademark pending," Sonic says.

Eve rolls her eyes in reply, "You're still on that nickname."

"Trying to come up with a better one," Sonic replies.

"Sonic, you're being reckless," Tomo says.

Sonic lets out an annoyed sigh and says, "Not this conversation again."

"Hey, It's no fun for me either, but if you keep being irresponsible, we're gonna keep having this conversation," Tom says.

"How is it irresponsible to use my powers?" Sonic asks.

"Sonic, we nearly destroyed an entire city block, and people could have gotten hurt!" Eve sternly says.

"The block was already messed up! Who cares?" Sonic says.

"I happen to care," Eve says.

"At least you stopped the bomb from exploding, and helped catch the robbers. You even agree about us using our powers to help people," Sonic says.

"I did say that, but not destroying city property," Eve says.

"Look, the point is, we stopped a robbery! We were heroes!" Sonic says.

But Tom says, "No, you put people in danger and that's NOT what a hero does."

Sonic comes upset at the comment.

He sighs, "You're supposed to be my friend. Stop trying to be my dad."

Tom sighs and looks away for a second as Sonic sits down.

"I can take care of myself," Sonic says.

However, Tom says, "Sonic, taking care of yourself, is not what being a hero is all about. It's about taking responsibility for other people. And right now, whether you wanna hear this or not, you and Eve are still just kids. You have some more growing up to do before you're ready to be a hero. Trust me, when I tell you, there will come a time when your powers will be needed. But you don't choose that moment. That moment chooses you."

Sonic and Eve are impressed.

Sonic says, "Woah. Look at you. Look, I just got- I just got goosebumps. Wait a second, did you steal that from Oprah?"

"I doubt it, Sonic," Eve says with a giggle.

"No, sir, it's a Wachowski family special," Tom says, "Came from my dad, in this very boat, on this very lake. He would always try and steer me in the right direction."

"Sounds like your dad is a great guy," Eve says.

"Yeah. He was," Tom says.

Then turns to the hedgehogs, "That's what Maddie and I always try to do with you. So, until your moment arrives, I want you both to work on being a little more responsible. Comprende?"

"Comprende. High five on it!" Sonic says.

Then turns to Eve, "Come on sis, let's have a high five!"

With that, Sonic, and Eve, and Tom give each other a high five.

"Yeah! Doughnut Lord, the Blue Blur, and the Red Flash are back at it again!" Sonic says.

He then zooms to the back rear of the boat, "Hang on!"

Then he dunks his bottom half into the water, "Speedboat!"

Sonic then uses his speed to run in the water and push the boat along, taking everyone for a ride. Sonic and Eve laugh with smiles on their faces as Tom screams.

Tom screams, "SONIC!"

"Woohoo!" Sonic cheers.

And Eve cheers, "Alright!"

Sonic and Eve the Hedgehogs 2 2022Where stories live. Discover now