Chapter 6: Siberian Dance Battle

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In Siberia at night, Sonic, Eve, and Tails are walking slowly against the windy blizzard. Jazz is doing her best to hang on to Tails's shoulder.

"I absolutely cannot find my way. We are completely, totally, unequivocally lost," Sonic shouts through the blizzard.

Eve shouts, "I can't believe that the Compass is hidden in Siberia of all places.

Tails looks at his Miles Electric screen, which flickers.

Tails shouts, "Sonic, in this weather, there's no way we're gonna get any readings on this thing!" and taps on the screen, "Should we go back?"

But Sonic says, "No, no, no. There's a light up ahead. Maybe we can take shelter in there." as he points to a building that shows signs of light.
Sonic looks over a snowdrift and spots some snow gear and clothes hanging outside the building.

"Ahhh. Perfect," Sonic says, and ducks behind the snowdrift.

Tails asks in concern, "Are you sure about this? We don't know who's inside."

"Don't worry. On Earth, people are very welcoming, and love taking complete strangers into their homes," sonic says.

Eve thinks for a minute and asks herself, "Why do I get a sense of Deja-vu from this?"

"Chao?" Jazz replies, confused.

Inside the building, that is actually a bar. It's brightly lit with patrons mingling, socializing, and partying. Soon, the front door slowly opens while the bar patrons' slowly become silent. Everyone turns to see Sonic, Eve, Tails, and Jazz enter the bar, dressed from head to toe in show gear. One patron slowly turns around and glares at them, making them gasp in surprise. Another bar patron slowly pulls out a knife and jams it into the table, and gasps again. Then spot an old lady sitting in a rocking chair and knitting. The old lady looks towards the group, who breathe a sigh in relief. The old lady then reveals that she is knitting a cloth, a skull and crossbones on it, causing the group to scream in fear. The chef in the bar then uses a butcher's knife to chop off a fish's head. The fish head lands in front of them.

The fish says, "Run."

Soon, Tails faints and Eve catches him before hitting the floor.

Then Sonic says, "Table for four, please!"

Sometime later, the four are sitting at the table. A waitress, named Tatiana, brings them a menu for each.

Tatina asks in Russian, "What would you like to order?"

"Three beef stews, and a salad, please," Tails answers.

He holds his Miles Electric, and translates the order in Russian. Tatiana, looking annoyed, takes the menus and walks away.

"Impressive Tails," Eve says.

"Yeah," Sonic says, "Where'd you get all these cool gadgets?"

"I invented 'em. That's kinda my thing," Tails says.

"That's pretty cool," Eve says.

"Yeah," Tails says, "In fact, my inventions are how I discovered you."

Then Tails explains, "Remember that night at the baseball field? Your energy blast reached all the way to my home planet. I saw you both save your whole village from that crazy mustache guy."

Sonic becomes surprised, "Wait, so you've been watching us this whole time? Even in the shower?"

"Ah, that's a trick question, Sonic the Hedgehog prefers bubble baths," Tails says.

"Man, you're good!" Sonic says, impressed.

"That's actually impressive," Eve says. Then asks, "So what do you have on me?"

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