Chapter 7: Compass Snowbound

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Later on, Sonic and Eve are carried by Tails as they fly across the skis of the Himalayas.

Sonic cheers, "Hoo-hoo! Today's forecast calls for clear, sunny skies and a one-hundred percent chance of adventure."

Jazz begins giggling at Sonic's joke.

"Any idea which way we need to go?" Eve asks.

Holding his device, Tails says, "I pinpointed the coordinates. It's right up ahead."

Soon, the group spots a particular mountain Sonic and Eve are amazed to see the mountain. Soon the group lands at the entrance.

"Hey, Tails. Wait up," Sonic says.

The group begins walking forward into the cave and soon come across an entrance in the shape of a giant owl warrior.

"Okay, we got a giant owl door. Seems encouraging," Sonic says.

Soon, the three push the door open and walk inside. Eventually, they notice carvings on the wall.

"Whoa. Ohh, check this out," Tails says, amazed.

"These look like ancient writing and pictures, explaining what happened in the past," Eve says, amazed.

Sonic turns to Tails, "Can you translate that?"

"Uh, yeah," Tails says.

As he translates the writing, the flashback of the events take place.

Tails reads, "Ages ago, a fearsome group of warriors, known as the echidnas, forged the seven Chaos Emeralds into the most unstoppable weapon ever created."

"The Master Emerald," Sonic says.

"With it, a single warrior could defeat entire armies," Tails says.

"That's amazing, but what about the sword?" Eve replies.

Tails continues, "When the Master Emerald was first made and given to the warrior. The sword he wielded absorbed a bit of the Master Emerald's power. Believing no one should have such power, an order of heroes recovered the Emerald and the sword and swore to protect them from evil."

Tails finishes translating and says, "Sounds like the owls and the echidnas have been fighting each other for centuries."

"Like Vin Diesel and The Rock" Sonic says.

Eve turns her head and notices something glowing at some small opening in the wall.

"Huh?" Eve says, confused.

Curious, Eve decides to walk towards the mysterious opening. Jazz notices Eve leaving and decides to follow her.

Tails continues speaking, but unaware that Eve isn't listening and walks away to find the source of the glow, "There's actually more. The Master Emerald Sword was protected by a spell by the Echidnas as the sword gained a bit of the emerald's power."

"A protection spell?" Sonic says, confused.

Meanwhile, Eve finds a small opening that is small enough to fit inside. She slowly slips in and walks in to see a sword that is pierced in a sword anvil. The blade is a silver white color, with a gold handle with a black grip wrapped around it. On the top handle is a round green gemstone. Even also notices a round gemstone pointed shape on the top of the blade close to the handle.

Tails continues, "According to the writing, the spell was created so no one can use the sword's power. Only those who are part of the Echidna bloodline, and possessed the power may claim the Master Emerald Sword as its own."

Eve then reaches her hand and touches the sword, Jazz grows worried every second. Eve feels a strange energy around her hand and recoils her hand back. She then reaches her hand out to touch the sword again. Jazz becomes more worried and watches as Eve fully holds grip of the handle.

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