Chapter 4: Robotnik's Return, Meet Knuckles, Tails, and Jazz

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Later in the night at the Wachowski house, Sonic, Eve, and Ozzy are watching television and the two hedgehogs are eating the popcorn.

"All right Ozzie, its movie night at Casa de Hedgehogs and your turn to pick. But I am not watching Snow Dogs again. That movie is the..." Sonic says, and lets out a singing tune, "wo-o-o-oooorst!"

Unknown to the hedgehogs and the dog, a Ring Portal opens just outside the window. And suddenly, the lights shut off.

"Ohoho! Blackout!" Sonic cheers.

He then zooms away and returns, turning on the flashlight to reveal him in a blanket.

And Sonic makes spooky noises, "Oooohhh... Oooozzzziiiee..."

But Ozzy whimpers and runs off.

"Oh, sorry buddy. Everything's okay," Sonic apologies.

Suddenly, the TV screen turns on and shows a static screen, startling the two hedgehogs.

"Uh, what was that?" Eve asks.

"I have no idea," Sonic says.

The two hedgehogs get off the couch and begin to leave the room.

Sonic nervously calls out, "Um, excuse me? We did not order a poltergeist..."

Sonic and Eve leave the living room, lightning flashes to reveal a shadow. Soon, Sonic and Eve walk out of the window.

Sonic then makes his way to the door, "Um, if this is the pizza guy, this is really unprofessional."

Sonic then gently presses against the door.

"Anything?" Eve asks.

"I don't think so," Sonic says.

Sonic reaches the door, but soon sparks surround it, making Sonic and Eve back away. Soon, the door knob falls off, and the door slowly opens to reveal Dr. Robotnik, with the pointed finger of his control glove glowing like a taser.

"Eggman?" Sonic says, shocked.

"Dr. Robotnik? Bu-but how?" Eve asks, shocked.

Robotnik blows out the taser finger like a candle and looks at the hedgehogs, "Hello, hedgehogs. Did you miss me?"

"I don't know how you got back, but you made a big mistake coming here," Sonic says.

"Oh contraire mon frere! The mistake was thinking that you've won. But that was just a prelude, an d'oeuvre, an aperitif, an Amuse-bouche-" Robotnik says.

"We get it!" Sonic and Eve tersely.

Robotnik chuckles as he walks forward wagging his finger, "I don't think you do. But you're about to. And so will that idiot sheriff and his wife."

Sonic soon makes a fist with his energy building up.

And Robotnik adds, "And your little dog, too!"

Sonic then rushes up and prepares to punch Robotnik in the face. But then, Robotnik moves and backs away to reveal Knuckles leaping right at him, catching Sonic by surprise. Before Sonic can react, Knuckles punches Sonic right through the wall, destroying the TV and makes him land on the couch.

"Sonic!" Eve cries out and rushes to the dazed blue hedgehog.

Eve kneels to him, "Sonic are you alright."

"I'm fine," Sonic says.

Sonic and Eve turn to see the red Echidna looking at them through the wall.

And he says, "Pitiful."

Sonic and Eve the Hedgehogs 2 2022Where stories live. Discover now