The meet

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Beep beep, beep beep. Win hit the alarm next to his bed and with a groan opened his eyes. He lay a minute just staring at the ceiling, his mind blank. After a few minutes he got up and stretched, his body sore from the small bed. There wasn't much to do before leaving for work as his apartment was more like a shoebox. He took a shower and got dressed, wondering what the day has in store for him. If only he knew....

He arrived at the restaurant and put on his uniform, a black bow tie and waist coat. The Blue Diamond was one of the most exclusive establishments in the city. They waiting list was over 4 months long. Unfortunately, the owner was a real piece of work. Stingy, rude, disgusting, and horrible to his staff. Win learned a long time ago to just cancel out the noise and get on with it.

It was a normal Friday night, they were busy. Win was running around with a little sweat forming at his temples. He had to stay focused. Suddenly the doors opened, and a silence fell over the room. It was followed by soft whispers from the patrons. Win looked up and for a second, he was stunned. He walked through the doors like he owned the place. He wore an all-black suit with the top 2 buttons of his black shirt undone. His eyes were fierce, his body lithe but muscular. His brown hair fell over his brow and his golden tan accentuated his features. He looked like sex on legs. He was flanked by 6 bodyguards.

The manager immediately ran over to show them to a table. He kept on bowing all the way and kept on stuttering over his words. Idiot thought Win. He heard the bell ring and went to the kitchen to get the next order. As he walked past their table their eyes met for a brief second. Win felt uncomfortable. His stare was intense. He saw the man whisper something in the manager's ear.

"Win! Go serve table 18". "What? I am already swamped there is no way I can add another table". "Fong will take over your tables, just do as I say and if you make a mistake, you are dead". Win quickly looked in the mirror and straightened his tie, wiped his face, and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Good evening gentleman. Can I get you something to drink?"

"It is rude not to introduce yourself".

"My apologies Sir, my name is Win and I will be you waiter tonight."

"A bottle of Yamazaki 12-Year old". "Coming right up Sir. 7 glasses?" "No, just 1"

Bright stepped into the limo waiting outside.

"Fuck". He breathed. He knew the boy was going to be a problem.

Win ran over to the manager when the group left. "They didn't pay". He shouted. "He doesn't pay Win". "Someone like him never pays".

"What do you mean". Win was beyond frustrated. "Does that mean I don't even get a tip?"

The manager just shrugged his shoulders.

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