slowly but surely

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Bright was sitting at his desk. It was late, probably around 2h30 in the morning. He rubbed his eyes while letting out a deep sigh. He has hasn't seen Win in weeks, with him even taking his meals in his room again. All the staff are avoiding him, like he kicked their favorite little puppy. Maybe he needs a holiday. He laughed at the absurdity of the thought. He poured himself another glass of whiskey. There was a soft knock at the door. "Yes". It opened very slowly. He saw a ruffled ball of black hair slowly peek through the door. What are you doing outside? It is after 22h00 he said in a stern voice.

"I know, I couldn't sleep". He heard in a small voice.. "Can I come in?" Bright nodded.

Win walked over to him slowly, his head held down. He was only wearing a pair of boxers and a white vest, his hair disheveled and falling over his face. When he got to the desk he looked up with his deep eyes full of emotion, directly into Bright's. The room was void of air for what seemed like an eternity.

There was a scar on his cheek.

He moved around the table and sat on Bright's lap putting his head on his shoulder. Bright snaked his arm around his thin waist. Why did it feel so much thinner than usual he thought. They just sat like that for a while. Win eventually got up and left. "Night"

The next evening there was a soft knock on the door again. Bright looked at his watch, it was exactly 9:55. "Yes". The same mop of brown peeked through the door. "Can I come in"? Bright nodded. Win's boxers hung low on his hips. Bright looked at him intently, he has definitely lost weight, and a lot of it by the looks of it. His cheeks were hollow and his arms and legs thin and veiny. Win sat on his lap again with his head on his shoulder. Bright held him around his waist. 10 Minutes later he got up again and left.

Bright picked up his phone: " Pear I want to see you first thing tomorrow morning".

"What do you mean he just hasn't been eating"? Exactly what I am saying Sir said Pear. He either just sends back his food or plainly refuses. Miss May and I have tried everything. I have even spoken to the Doctor. "How does he exercise if he doesn't eat"? He refuses to go down. Boss even carried him down a couple of times himself. He just lies on the mat and does nothing. What the hell, shouted Bright. Why didn't anybody tell me anything. Well to be honest Sir, we didn't think you would care and would want to be bothered with it. Bright put his head in his hands. "Pear I want a daily update from now on until we can get back on track ok? Yes Sir"

Bright looked at his watch, it was 9:50. He waited. At exactly 9:55 he heard the knock on the door. "Come in". Win peeked through the door and walked over to him. He sat on his lap as usual with his head on his shoulder. He slowly lifted has hand and stroked his cheek, tracing his finger along his scar. He rested it on his chin and lifted it slowly. He kissed him gently on the lips. Baby, I need you to eat, I miss being inside you and if I look at you at the moment I am scared I might break you, he whispered against his lips. Win stiffened slightly under him and just looked at him with his big doe eyes.

Halle freakin lujah Miss May screamed! Finally, they all sighed a breath of relief.

And? Asked Bright. He had breakfast, a little lunch and some supper Sir. A big improvement said Pear with a smile. Ok good.

Their nightly visits became a bit of a routine. Always at the same time, just for 10 minutes but before he knew it he would be checking his watch at work to make sure he would be home before 9:45.

It was Friday night, he was sitting with a glass of whiskey in his hand, his top two buttons of his black shirt undone & his hair messy, like he has been running his hands through it the whole day.

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