reign of terror

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He was lazing in the pool constantly looking at the door.   He heard the motorcade stopping at the front.  Well its now or never.

Bright was walking along the passage on the second floor to his room.   As he passed the window his eye caught something.  He took a step back. Someone was swimming in the pool.  Just as he was about to leave Win's head bopped out of the water and he ran his fingers through his hair.   Water droplets glistening on his skin. His chest glowing in the sunlight. He slowly started stepping out of the pool.  His swimming shorts clinging to every single part of him. Fuck they were short.  His white thighs showing his muscles as he climbed the final step.  He took a towel and dried his hair, showing off his lean waist.   He threw the towel on the sun lounger and put on his shades.   As he lied down he slowly started rubbing sun block all over his arms and his chest...Bright saw red.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" 

"Oh hi Bright, you're back, he said peeking over his shades. Just taking a swim, would you like to join me?   How was your trip?"

Get up, Bright hissed through his teeth.   He grabbed Win by his arm and started pulling him towards the house.   Bright you're hurting me, moaned Win".  Bright didn't care, his eyes were dark and fierce. 

He pushed Win into his room.

Giving everyone a fucking show are you, shouted Bright.   Thinking because I am not here you can play around and make all the other guys dicks hard?   You fucking little slut!

He grabbed Win again and pushed him against the table.  He ripped his swimming shorts right off leaving red marks on Win's hips.   If I ever see you wearing these fucking shorts again, I will kill you.  Do you understand?   DO YOU UNDERSTAND Bright shouted.  Yes, whimpered Win. 

Bright pushed him down on the table.   I told you, you can choose pleasure or punishment and today you chose punishment.  Start to count, if you lose count we start from the top.  

He unbuckled his belt while holding Win behind his neck on the table.   Win squirmed but Bright was too strong.  "Please Bright, I didn't mean to, it was really not intentional.   I was waiting for you".

Shut up your fucking whore, now count.   He hit Win hard on his backside with the belt. 

One,  slap, two, slap, three....ten, slap...eleven...Aaaaargggh Win screamed, Bright moved further up his back,eighteen, slap, nineteen, slap, twenty....Bright came with the last hit.  He rubbed the cum over his fingers and pushed them into Win's ass.   Win groaned.  Bright was hard again and pushed his dick straight into Win.  Win screamed.  Bright pushed into Win harder, you are mine Win. Do you fucking understand?  Say it!  FUCKING SAY IT WIN!  I am yours whispered Win.   Bright thrust again harder and deeper.  He didn't stop and kept going and going intent on inflicting pain. He finally came with a loud groan/scream. 

Win dropped to the floor.  Bright pulled up his pants, turned around and left the room.  

Win was barely conscious.  He crawled to the bedside table.  Blood smearing over the carpet.   Buzz. "Pear, pear please help me"

Pear burst through the door,  Win?  Oh my God Win! Win was lying on the floor unconscious.   She ran to the bathroom, took a towel and wrapped him in it.  Man get in here, she screamed.  Man walked through the door and within a second he understood the situation.   He picked Win up and carried him to the Doctors room.  "Doctor, its Pear, we need you now.  It's Win and it is urgent"

Win slowly opened his eyes.   He was lying in the hospital bed in the Dr's room.   Doc?  He looked up from his desk, got up and pulled the curtains closed.  "Hi Win.  I am glad to see you are awake. How do you feel?" 

"Thirsty".  He handed him a glass of water.  

"How long was I out.  Two days answered the Doc.   You are doing much better.   Man will move you back to your room today.   Everybody has been very worried about you.  Win looked at him skeptically.  Everybody?   The Doc just sighed.  

You will need to mostly lie on your stomach.  Pear will come and treat your wounds when needed.  You also have some anal fissures.   These should heal on their own with some medicine.  I will come check on you regularly.    Don't worry Win, we will have you all fixed up in no time.

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