the winner takes all

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Win slowly opened his eyes, he looked at the clock. It was past 11. The bed next to him was empty. He couldn't move. He saw a glass of water and medicine on the bedside table and took it. He was just lying on the bed looking at the ceiling when he heard a strange noise. It was his phone ringing. He looked at it, it was an unknown number. He wasn't sure if he should answer it. Briight! He called. No answer. He pressed the green button. Win? It was Doc. "Oh Hi Doc". "How are you Win, how are you feeling?" "I am ok I guess, a little stiff, but that's to be expected". I am talking about your stomach and chest Win, Doc laughed. I heard you got kneed quite hard and then threw up quite violently, I just wanted to check if your ribs are ok? Win facepalmed. "Yes, yes all good. Good, now call me if you need anything ok. Yes Doc, will do." Ok now how does he get something to eat? He slowly got up and went to the bathroom. He opened the door and noticed everyone in the living area having a deep discussion. They all went quiet. Hi Win, said Pear. He immediately closed the door. He was only wearing a robe and Bright would not like that at all so he just switched on the tv and got back into bed. A few moments later Bright opened the door and stepped into the room. "Morning. How did you sleep? Ok, I guess. Thank you for the medicine"

"Bright. Yes? The Doctor called. I don't know how he got the number; I didn't give it to him or to anybody else. It's ok, I gave it to him. We will also program Pear, Boss and Man's numbers in case you need to reach them while we are travelling. Ok cool, thank you."

Can I call room service to order some food, I am starving. Would you like something too? No – tell Pear what you want and she will organise it for you. We don't want you to get poisoned now do we?". Bright laughed as Win's eyes widened. We travel with our own private chef, just makes things easier. I will ask them to send something up".

Win sauntered out of the room late afternoon."'Hi Win, said Pear. Is there anything I can get you. No, I am fine Pear, thank you. Here is my phone, Bright said it was ok to add your number. Sure, no problem. Just a heads up, things might get a bit tense here the next couple of days, so best to relax and lay low. Has Bright spoken to you about Friday? No not yet. Ok, I am sure he will soon. We will need you to look your best again so I will take you to the spa late tomorrow morning. We need to get those nails trimmed and you can do with a facial. Your eyes are puffy she tutted. A tailor is coming up tomorrow afternoon to measure for your suite and Boss will do a low impact yoga sessions with you to relax your muscles". Win though for a moment and was interested to see how far he could flex his "side piece" privilege. Pear do you think we can book out the indoor hotel pool for an hour? Pear looked at him with a blank expression. "Are you sure that is a good idea Win? We both know what happened last time. I know know....I just want to know if it is possible, and I will obviously get permission first. Of course, it is possible Win. Nothing is impossible with the Vachirawit name. Ok please book it for tomorrow morning at 6:00. Win it's risky. We cannot afford to have you hurt this week. Pear trust me. I will be careful, I promise, and if it gets too risky I will bail. Oh and we'll need swimming shorts. We"? Pear lifted her eyebrow.

Win woke up and looked at the clock, it was just before 1 am. He could hear someone shouting and then heard a door slamming. He got up, wearing only a pair of boxers. He peaked through the door to make sure there was no-one else around. Bright was sitting on the couch. He had a file in his one hand and a glass of Whiskey in the other. Win walked up behind him and pushed his hands over his shoulders. Hi. He didn't get any response. Damn this was not the way he was hoping this would go. He walked around and sat next to Bright who had a permanent scowl on his face. "Why are you not wearing any clothes Win?" Win just shrugged, it's hot. Why are you still wearing so many clothes Bright?".

He lifted Bright's feet and took off his shoes and socks. He put his feet on his lap and started stroking them, pressing his fingers into his pressure points. He put on a movie and was giggling every now and then. He kept on massaging Bright's feet. About half way through the movie he looked up. Bright had already put down his report and finished his drink he had unbuttoned his top two buttons. He was just looking at Win. Win switched off the TV and threw the remote to the side. He pushed his hand up his legs, squeezing his calves and massaging his thighs. He settled himself between his legs. Bright's eyes not leaving him. " I am starting to hate these pants". He unbuckled his belt, opened his zip and pulled down his pants. 'Ooooooh and don't get me started with these, he snapped the edge on Bright's boxers" He pulled down the offending boxers and started playing with his balls. Bright was already hard. Win put him in his mouth and started sucking enthusiastically. He then changed the rhythm. He didn't vary the speed or pressure, he just kept going slowly and moaned lightly with every stroke. Over and over and over again. Bright exploded in his mouth. He licked him clean and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Night". He got up and left for his room. Bright grabbed him by his arm. He took him to his bedroom and went to go take a shower. Win, jumped into the bed. So far so good.

"Win why is there a fucking alarm going off"? Win was lying over his chest, hist legs tangled all over him. He lifted his head sleepily and put his head in his neck. "morning". He moved his head down and started kissing Bright's shoulder, " Bright, let's go swimming. What? No." Win moved himself and sat on top of Bright straddling him. " I want to go swimming and I want you to come with me. You can just watch me swim. Even better we can have a race!" Win smiled excitedly. He started bouncing up and down. Please please please. He could sense Bright giving in. Yes!

He ran out of the room and phoned Pear. Pear, tell Boss to meet us at the Pool in 15 min. Bring the swimming trunks, towels and a timer.

They were standing in the lift on the way down to the pool. "So, what does the winner get? Win's head snapped left looking a Bright, a huge smile appearing on his face. Hmmm well, how about, if I win I can top you and if you win...hmmm, well you can ask anything of me?

Ok, said Bright". Win was getting nervous, why was it all of a sudden feeling like this was too easy.

Pear opened the door for them. Enjoy gentlemen. Boss was waiting for them in front of the changing rooms. He handed them their sport bags. They walked to the pool in silence and took their places.

Ok Boys, rules are simple. 20 laps in total, Time will be taken on every 2 laps, so the count on 10 laps. Best out of 10 wins, if we are even on the last lap we will run an extra lap. Good luck. Ready, set, go. He blew the whistle, and they were off. You could immediately see that both men were experienced in the water. Win pulled a little ahead but Bright kept a steady pace. They turned heading back, both touching the wall with in a fraction of a second of each other. Time, shouted 

Boss – Bright one!

Time, Win – one!

Time, Win – two!

Time, Win – three!

Time, Bright – Two!

Time, Bright – Three!

Time, Bright – Four!

Time, Bright – Five!

Time, Win – Four!

Boss was sweating, even Pear stepped inside the doors to watch.

Time, Win – Five!


Win rested his head against the edge of the pool and then pushed himself under the water. He let out a scream. Bright pushed himself back from the edge looking at Win and let out a laugh.

Pear and Boss's eyes both widened, they haven't seen their Boss laugh in years. Win you clever boy, thought Pear.

Win pulled himself out of the water and headed for the changing rooms, Boss patted him on his shoulder. "Bad luck Win". He stepped into the shower and put his head under the hot water. He soon felt Bright's hand snake around his waist. "Don't sulk baby, he whispered in his ear. I am not sulking. I let you win. He turned Win around. You're just getting old baby, he smirked. I am 5 years younger than you he said, hitting him on his chest. I just have more experience then. Bright laughed and kissed him. I am just joking baby. I swam professionally for 8 years. You really gave me a run for my money. Now shut up and let me fuck you against this wall." 

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