the bluff

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Win was lying in Brights bed as he came out of the wash room. Win couldn't help but stare as Bright was only wearing a towel around his waist. His body lean but his muscles defined and strong. "Baby don't look at me like that, I have to go". Win blushed and put his head under the covers. Bright came and sat next to him. Win I need you to look your best tonight. You will also need to be on your best behaviour. Things might get a little bit tense at times, but I need you to stay calm and always stay in control. Tonight, is important to me. Can I count on you? Yes Bright, you can. Ok good. Dim will give you a breakdown of the evening and discuss the logistics with you. I will be out for most of the day and I will meet you there. See you later.

Win went back to bed. He had a million thoughts running through his head. Later he heard a soft knock on the door. Pear walked in, Win we are ready for you. He got up and got dressed in a t-shirt and sweats. Boss, Man and Dim was waiting for him in the living area. He sat on one at the chairs and looked at the table. Dim started talking. Ok so we have a high stakes poker game with 6 players, Bright being the 7th obviously taking Choi's place. Thank you very much Win. Zhang, Liu, Wan, Zhou, Ice and Niran. Ice is the strongest player with Wan and Niran both being very good too. Wan won over 3 million dollars in Vegas last month. However our main target here is Gulf, New's right hand man. He won't be participating in the game but he will definitely be watching, we just don't know from where. Dim pointed at his picture. Win, your job is to distract, play and flirt. Win raised an eyebrow and looked at Pear and Man. We know, we know. It is just for tonight, now don't go overboard. This is not a night club. You can take your phone with you, brownie points if you get Gulf's number. There will also be a tracker sewed into your suit and a panic button in your left jacket pocket, if at anytime you feel uncomfortable or are in danger you just push it and myself or Man will be with you with seconds. Also one of the waitresses works for us – her name is Dionne. She will be spiking Wan's drink if he makes it to the last round. He won't pass out, that will draw too much attention but he won't be able to focus much. Bright will already be an hour into the game when you arrive. You are allowed to approach him during drink breaks. We will time it accordingly so that you arrive exactly on the first drink break. Ok any questions? Umm yeah, Can Bright actually play Poker? Dim laughed. "He can hold his own". Now go so Pear can get you ready.

Win walked out of the room, he looked amazing. Fitted black Tom Ford jacket, black shirt under neath. Only one button undone, showing a slight hint of his collar bone. Just enough to tease. Black fitted pants and black pointed shoes. His fringe was hanging over his forehead. His dark brown eyes looking black and contrasting exceptionally with his light skin. Even Dim, Boss and Man got quiet. Ok boys, We will meet you down stairs said Pear.

"Ok, now if you need anything or you have any questions you call me ok. Do you want a calming tablet or anything? No I am fine. If I send you a ping can you call me, I might need a distraction. Ok sure. Try not to drink too much. Now, this is for you. Bright got it for you". Pear handed him the box. He opened it. It was a black Rolex.

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