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Win felt the same feeling creep over him. He glanced up and saw the man coming through the door with his entourage. He was wearing all black again and look quite determined. Win immediately turned around not wanting to make eye contact. The man nodded to the manager and whispered in his ear again. He shuffled them to one of the private rooms.

"Win". He shouted. " Private room 2 – now!"

Shit, why him again. He walked up to the room and found the 6 bodyguards standing in front of the door. They slightly moved and opened the door for him. He walked into the dimly lit room.

"Good evening, Win".

"Good evening, Sir. What can I get you?"

"You can stop with the formalities; my name is Bright". "Ok Sir, I mean Bright"

"Get me a bottle of the Yamazaki. 2 Glasses".

Win went to get the drinks order. For some reason he felt really hot under his collar which is strange as the AC is on full blast. He got the drinks and returned to the room.

After pouring Bright his drink he made to leave. "Win, fill the other glass as well and drink it"

"Sorry Sir but we are not allowed to drink on duty.

"I don't care, drink it."

Win poured himself a glass. He downed it in one gulp. "Good boy" The warm liquid burning his throat and leaving a mellow pool in his stomach. Bright got up and walked over to him. Win froze. Bright slowly stroked his cheek and moved his thumb over his lips. Wins lips slightly parted at his touch and Bright pushed his thumb in even deeper. "Suck it". Bright demanded. Win looked at the door, looking for an escape route.

Bright followed his eyes and chuckled. "You won't make it further than 3 feet sweetheart". Win could sense that this was not an empty threat.

He looked back into his golden orbs and for a moment he lost all his senses. He started to suck on his thumb. Bright added another finger. "There we go pet". "Just like Daddy likes it"

Bright stepped forward again. Their chests touching. Bright undid his bowtie and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. It felt like torture. He traced his fingers gently down his chest down to his stomach resting them on his hips, slowly circling his skin.

Win's mind was going crazy. On the one hand this was absolutely insane, on the other hand it was extremely hot. Bright fanned his breath over his ear and whispered softly. "You are so pretty, so delicate and beautiful". He used his finger to move Win's hair from his forehead. Bright started kissing Win's neck and without realising it Win moved his head to the side to give him more access. He could feel his dick twitching. Bright snaked his arms around his waist and pulled him closer. Win knew he had to stop. He had to stop. He had to....He had...He couldn't think anymore. His tongue was attacking his neck and pulling at his earlobe. He pushed his hand against Win's bulge in in his pants. He started palming him up and down.

"Hmmm someone is ready for daddy".

All of a sudden he turned him around and slammed Win forward against the table, fixing his hand on the back of his neck, using his feet to push his legs apart. Win was suddenly brought back to reality. What the fuck was going on?

Bright started grinding against his ass. Win was squirming trying to get up, but Bright had him in a tight hold and he was strong. He moved his hand again around Win's waist and started unbuckling his belt. He pushed his hand inside his pants grabbing his dick, stroking it up and down. Win didn't know if he was in heaven or hell.

Bright started sliding down his pants, Win's plump white ass was pushed against the table. He pushed his fingers into Win's mouth again. "Suck baby". Win clenched his jaw. "Don't disobey me pet". You can decide if this will be pleasure or punishment". Win opened his mouth and Bright pushed his fingers inside. "Good boy" He stroked his ass with the palm of his hand and slapped it. Win let out a breathless moan. Bright covered his mouth. "We don't want my men to be thinking about you the whole night now do we pet?".

Bright's phone rang abruptly. "This better be fucking important" he barked into the phone. He moved away from Win and cut the call. " Get yourself decent. I have to go."

Bright filled his tumbler with Whiskey and gulped it down. He left the room without looking back.

Win turned around and fixed himself up. He poured some whiskey in his glass and forced it down. His head was spinning. What the fuck just happened? He walked out of the room straight to the kitchen. He threw down his apron and grabbed his bag. "Where are you going" shouted Fong. "I feel sick, I am going home"

Bright entered the restaurant and scanned the room. He motioned for the manager to come over. "Same room, same boy". "I am so sorry Sir but Win hasn't been to work the last week. I will be happy to send someone else over". Bright cursed under his breath and turned around. He was furious.

Bright was sitting behind his desk when Dim, his right hand came in. "Talk". " He has been living in the same apartment for the last 2 years, alone". "His parents died when he was 10, car accident. No siblings or family. Works in a coffee shop during the day and the restaurant at night" He dropped some photos on his desk.

"Bring the boy to me"

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