mark one

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Bright kissed me, slowly, taking his time. His hands moving up and down my sides, squeezing my ass and pushing me into him. He played with my nipples, his lips never leaving mine. Sucking on my lower lip, playing with my tongue, and exploring my cavern. He deepened the kiss sucking the air out of my lungs. He was literally fucking my mouth. I couldn't get enough.

I put my hands on his lower back pulling him closer, desperate for some friction. "Patience baby" he whispered in my ear, his hot breath fanning over my neck. A shiver running down my spine. His lips traced over my collar bone and he started sucking, it felt delicious. It will surely leave a mark. He continued down my chest, biting and sucking. It was a completely new sensation and it was fucking hot, my eyes flew open with the realisation. Bright was marking me. He has never before left any type of mark on me, well not in this way. Was he marking me as his? I know about all that "your mine bull shit and all" but this was the first time he was actually showing it. Am I levelling up? Oooh I wonder what new perks come with the next level? Ok wait focus Win....

"Bright pleaaaaaase Win moaned." Bright let go of his nipple with a pop.

Bright had kissed every part of his chest, his legs and thighs at this point. Teasing his member with the tip of his tongue. Win's skin was on fire.

He turned Win around and lifted his ass and put him up on his knees. He slowly stroked his ass cheeks and spread them with his palms. "So beautiful". He desperately wanted to slap one of those cheeks but there would be no pain involved tonight, only pleasure.

"Please Bright, please fuck me, Win moaned again. Patience baby". Unexpectedly Win felt something soft and moist circling around his rim. His rim clenched in anticipation. Bright swirled the tip of his tongue around his opening. He licked his rim with his tongue and then pushed it in slowly, swirling it inside his hole and flicking it against his spot. Fuck me!!! Don't stop...

"Bright I can't take it anymore"

He felt Bright sitting up and within seconds a lubed finger entering him, two fingers, then three. He collapsed on the bed his body being overtaken by all the sensations. Bright turned him around. "Let me see you face baby".

"Fuck me Daddy, NOW!"

Bright positioned himself in front of Win, his member hard against his stomach He lifted Win's legs over his shoulders and pushed himself balls deep into Win and started thrusting in and out, relentlessly. He could feel Win's skin from his ass slapping against his thighs. "Harder" He groaned. "Win baby how are you so tight" Win felt like his whole being was being filled. Bright had a sheen of sweat all over him and was shining. Every nerve ending in his body was alive and electrified. Win screamed and stars filled his eyes. Ribbons and ribbons of cum shot out on his stomach. Bright grabbed his member stroking it, helping him ride out his orgasm. Bright let out a long low groan and thrust in deep he released himself and dropped next to him on the bed. Both of them completely out of breath.

Win felt a warm wet towel sliding over his stomach and Bright cleaning him...he didn't want to open his eyes....He felt so satisfied and just wanted to drift off to sleep.... Bright got up and left him to sleep.   

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