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Win woke with a start, his eyes shot open. He forgot where he was and it took a minute for him to realise while looking at his surroundings. It was getting dark outside. His eyes started to adjust and that's when he noticed him in the chair across  the bed. Win immediately tried to sit up but winched in pain. He slowly lowered himself on the headboard.




"I want to take a shower. Are you going to help me or should I call for Pear, or even better one of your boys can come scrub me up?"

He saw a muscle twitch in Bright's jaw.

He got up and walked to the bathroom. He turned the shower knob and tested the water.

" Are you coming? Bright asked.

Win got up slowly, nervous all of a sudden. Anticipation boiling in his stomach. He really didn't think Bright would agree to his request. He slowly walked to the shower. Bright came to stand behind him and slowly started opening his buttons on his pyjama top. He pulled the shirt off his shoulders, his fingers slightly brushing against Win's skin. It sent shivers down his spine. He then slowly pulled down his pants and his boxers. Win stepped into the shower and savoured the rush of warm water gushing over his skin. Seconds later he felt Bright moving in behind him, his mind should have been unhinged but for some reason he felt very calm, relaxed even. Bright poured some body wash over his hands and slowly lathered it over Win's shoulders. He moved deliberately slow over his chest and then his hands came to rest on his hips. He could feel Bright's hard member between his ass cheeks. Bright didn't make any attempt to move it though. He only moved his hands to the front of Win's stomach and slowly stroked Win's member. Win's member started to come alive. "Patience Pet. You have to heal first". Whispered Bright in his ear. This was a bad idea, a very bad idea. How the hell was he going to survive this. Bright then slowly washed his hair and rinsed his body. He got out the shower and put a towel around his waist, doing the same for Win. Win couldn't stop staring at him, the water droplets glistening on his skin, his hair wet and ruffled. Looking up at Win through those long eye lashes. Win might need another shower after this.

Bright put on a robe from Win's closet. He got Win a fresh set of casual clothes and dried him with the towel. He helped Win get his legs into the pants and then slowly pushed his arm through the sleeve. He sat him down on the bed and started drying his hair with a towel.

"From tomorrow we will shower in the mornings". He turned around and left.

Win was bored. It has been over 2 weeks now that he has been locked up in this room. The highlight of his day was his morning showers with Bright. They didn't talk much, and he didn't see him for the rest of the day. He needed a plan.

Next morning Bright was sitting next to him as usual drying his hair. He slowly leaned over and gently pushed his lips against Bright's shoulder, if Bright noticed it he didn't give any indication. Win got a little more confident and slided his robe further down, just to give him a little bit more access. "Bright, I am bored, I am basically healed and I feel like I am going crazy being locked up in here. Can't I explore a little? I am sure the grounds are surrounded with guards, I won't run away, I promise". Bright didn't say anything and left.

Pear knocked and entered the room later in the afternoon. Mr Win, if you would like to come with me and I will give you a tour of the house and the grounds. Win jumped up with a smile on his face. "Oh and this is Man, he will be your personal bodyguard". You are not allowed to leave his sight at any time. If you do your privileges will be taken away".

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