mark two

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Win woke up to an obscene amount of cursing and screaming. He looked at the clock, it was around 3 in the morning.   Something was going on and it didn't sound good. Not good at all. He walked to the door and slowly opened it. Bright was standing in the middle of the living area with Man and Boss behind him. In the middle of the floor on her knees was Dionne. Her face was bruised and bloodied. She was already missing a couple of teeth. Bright kicked her in her stomach and shouted some more obscenities at her. As Bright turned around his eye caught Win's. "Fuck". "Metawin get out here, now". Win hesitated. "Win get your fucking ass out here now". Win walked up to Bright. Bright grabbed the gun out of Man's hand and pushed it into Win's hand. " Shoot her". Win stared at him like he was speaking a different language. "Shoot her" Shouted Bright. I...I can't whimpered Win. Bright...said Man stepping forward. "Shut the fuck up Man!"

It got very quiet in the room. I have never killed anyone Bright, please don't make me do this, please Bright I can't he begged. Bright grabbed the gun from him and shot Dionne in the chest, he then hit Win across the face with it, leaving a big gash. Win fell to his knees crying, blood dripping on the floor. "Pussy ass coward" He threw the gun at his head and went to his room and slammed the door. Boss lifted Win of the floor and pulled him towards his room. "Stay in here until we come get you ok. Don't fucking leave this room". Win just nodded.

About an hour later there was a soft knock on the door. The Doc stepped through the door. He didn't say much and just started cleaning Win's wound. He stitched him up and gave him a sedative. Win was left in his room for 2 days. He didn't really care to be honest.

Late afternoon he heard a knock and Pear came in. It was good to finally see her. She gave him a motherly look full of sympathy. We need to start packing Win. We are leaving.

Bright sat across from Win in the Jet. Win has been avoiding eye contact with him the whole day, never mind even talking to him. Unfortunately, it had to be done. If Win was going to stand by his side he had to be strong. There are a lot more scarier things waiting for them back in Thailand.

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