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They arrived at the Hotel and went in a back door, up a private elevator. They entered the room and Bright started taking off both their clothes. He picked Win up and put him in the already hot bath. He got in behind him letting him lie back on his chest. He was slowly stroking his chest with a cloth. "Was it your first time baby?" Win nodded. "It gets better" Win just closed his eyes.

Bright carried him to his bed. He pulled Win into his lap and kept stroking his hair. Win rested his head on his chest. After a while he started feeling hot, he realised he was still drunk. He turned around and threw his leg over Bright's lap. He buried his head in his neck. Bright slowly pressed butterfly kisses across his cheek. "You did so well Baby. I almost lost it in there. You were right, I couldn't handle seeing you with him. Dim literally used a low voltage taser on me. TWICE". Win chuckled in his neck.

Win kissed him on his shoulder. Bright rolled his eyes. "What do you want baby?" "I want to sleep here tonight". He sealed Win's lips with his. Win parted his lips and gave him access, he deepened the kiss, his mouth completely consuming him, owning him. His hand was snaking up Win's chest looking for his nipple. He twisted it and pulled it. Briiiiight, moaned Win. I want you. "Are you drunk Win?" "Yes, no, he was grinding against him...argh". Yes, but don't you dare stop now. He pushed his hand between them and grabbed their members together. Stroking them up and down. The Skin on skin friction driving them wild. Bright threw his head back on the headboard, closing his eyes. Win took this as his chance. He moved between Bright's legs, playing with his nipples, teasing, sucking and biting. He moved lower and licked the pre-cum off his dick. Bright groaned. He slowly pushed him deeper into his mouth. Paying with his foreskin with the tip of his tongue, licking him from the bottom of his shaft to the top. He then started deep throating him, licking the base of his cock while he was deep inside of him. Win looked up at him with heavy lidded eyes, giving him lustful looks while keeping eye contact and moaning into his c'ck.. He could feel him getting close. Bright released and Win swallowed him whole, licking him clean. Bright pulled him up and could taste himself on his lips. He reached over to the bedside table and pulled out a bottle of lube. He kissed him again. "Now prepare yourself for me". Win sat back between his legs. Bright put his arms behind his head enjoying the view. Win spread his legs and poured some lube over his palms, warming up the liquid. He inserted one finger into is pink rim. He added a second finger and then a third, throwing his head back. His fingers dipping in and out.....He looked up at Bright and he nodded, his dick hard against his stomach. Win climbed onto his lap and slowly lowered his waist onto his thick head, pushing it through his rim. He could feel him filling him up. Win hissed on the final push and Bright sat up to distract him by kissing him all over. Running his fingers through his hair, whispering in his ear. "you're so tight baby, you take my c'ck so well". Win started moving slowly and rolling his hips, just like Earn taught him. As soon as Bright hit his spot though he started picking up the pace. He was bouncing on his lap, faster, harder, deeper. He couldn't take it anymore. "Fuck baby you are so fucking sexy". The rush of the alcohol was starting to wear off and Win started to get tired. "Daddy, please fuck me" Bright turned him around and lifted his legs, spreading his cheeks. He thrust into him over and over again. Win leaning into each thrust, taking him deeper. The sound of skin slapping on skin being heard across the room. Bright started thrusting erratically and grabbed Win's dick, pumping him. Win came hard, shivers running through his body. Bright fell on top of him seconds later. Cum oozing out of Win's hole. Win couldn't move. He felt a warm wet cloth run over his back. Bright rolled him over and cleaned his stomach. He then rolled him onto the sheets, pulling the bedspread out from under him. He took a fresh blanket from the closet and threw it over Win. He was already asleep.

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