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Win was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling when he heard a knock on the door. He thought a second about actually getting up as it was probably the nosy neighbour wanting to talk about God knows what.

He reluctantly got up and opened the door. As soon as he saw Dim he tried to slam the door closed. Dim got his foot in the door and forced it open. Win stumbled back a couple of feet. He desperately looked around for something to defend himself with but he knew it was hopeless.

"Hi Win". "I don't think we have been properly introduced, I am Dim, Head of Security for Bright Vachirawit".

"What do you want?' Whispered Win.

"I want you of course silly. Where have you been this whole week?"

"What is it to you?"

"Well nothing to me, but definitely to someone". "Now get your things, we are leaving"

"I am not going anywhere with you bastards! Leave now!" Win shouted.

Dim punched Win in the stomach, Win growled and spat in his face. Hmmm feisty thought Dim, there might be hope for you yet. He punched him again, swiftly 3 jabs in the side and another punch in the stomach. He knew he fractured a rib with that last jab. Win collapsed on the floor. Two more men stepped into the room and pulled him up by his shoulders. They dragged him to the car and threw him in the back.

He looked out the window and realised they were leaving the city. They didn't even bother to blindfold him, so they must either not care or be that confident that he won't make it back alive anyway. Win bit the inside of his cheek until he could taste blood. It took everything in his willpower not scream. Win wasn't stupid, there was a reason he didn't touch his face and if the Boss went through the trouble to get him, he was sure he wouldn't be too happy with damaged goods.

They entered the double gates of the mansion. Guard posts along the walls and at the doors. Everyone was heavily armed.  Win was pulled out of the car into the foyer, up the stairs and was put in front of two large wooded doors.

"Ok sweetheart, good luck". Mumbled Dim.

He knocked on the door, opened them and pushed Win into the room, closing the doors behind him.

It looked like a study, bookshelves along the wall, dark interior and a huge dark oak desk in the middle. Behind said desk sat Bright.

Win looked a sad sight. He was only wearing a pair of boxers and a white vest as it was too hot in his apartment at the time. He stared at Bright clutching his side.


"Bright" He said in a soft voice.

Win started coughing. It was now or never. He coughed more and spit the blood out he's been holding in his mouth out on his white shirt. Bright he whimpered again and collapsed on the floor.

He woke sometime later, the room was dimly lit. His chest was bandaged, and he wore black silk pyjamas. The bed had black sheets and there was just a small mahogany desk in the corner and an entertainment system on the wall. He could see marble tops through the door to the en suite on the left of him. He was starving. He got out of the bed with difficulty and walked to the door. It was locked. He banged on the door and a second later he could hear the key turn.

Dim stood in front of him. There was a big gash across his cheek with about 4 stiches. Win smirked. Gotcha.

" I will let housekeeping know you are awake"

"I want to see Bright".

Dim just looked at him and closed the door in his face.

10 minutes later there was a soft knock on the door. A beautiful petit girl stepped into the room. Good evening Mr. Win, my name is Pear and I will help to take care of you. What can I do for you?

"Hi Pear, you can just call me Win please". "I am starving, please can I have something to eat and drink?"

"Sure, I will have the kitchen prepare something for you immediately. Do you have any allergies or dislikes?"

"Umm not that I know of but thank you for asking".

"I will be back soon Sir and the Doctor will be coming to see you in the meantime"

"Good evening Son, now let's have a look at you". The Doctor checked his temperature, poked here and there and then removed the bandages. His chest was bruised a deep purple and blue. "You obviously have a fractured rib, but luckily no damage to the lungs". I will leave your medication with Pear and you need to apply a hot pack 3-4 times a day. You will have limited flexibility in your right arm for the next week, so please take it easy. If there is anything you need just let Pear know and she will call me".

"Thank you Doctor".

Pear came in a couple of minutes later and put a tray in front of him with some chicken soup, rice and fruit. She put the tray over his lap and helped him to sit up. She started feeding him the soup. I could get used to this, Win thought. Pear left him with a remote for the entertainment system and an intercom. "Just press this if you need me"

He felt quite drowsy after drinking his medicine and just sat back against the headboard. His chest was exposed, he wanted him to see. He needed him to see.

He woke sometime during the night as he felt soft fingers stroking his cheek. Without opening his eyes he leaned into the touch and fell asleep again.  

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