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Win's eyes opened as he heard a soft knock on the door.   Pear came in with some coffee and toast.  " Good morning, Sir, how are you feeling?   Win blushed and just nodded his head.

I have taken the liberty to schedule some time with Earn for you. After that the Doctor will see you again.  Ok thank you Pear.   I will come fetch you in 20 minutes Sir".  

Pear was right, Earn really had magic hands.  He could feel his muscles un tighten and relax.  In fact he has never felt so relaxed in his entire life. She placed a hot pack on his lower back and he could feel himself dosing off.   Pear came to wake him again.  The Doctor is waiting Mr. Win.

He left the Spa Room heading for his own room when Man interrupted him.   "Please follow me". They walked past his room to the right wing where Brights room was situated.   They suddenly stopped in front of one of the "private rooms". Man knocked on the door.  He could hear the Doctors voice telling them to come in.   He walked in the room and was quite stunned.   It was not just a Doctors office, it was a complete theatre.   The Doctor saw the surprise in Win's eyes and chuckled.   "Sometimes we don't have enough time to get to the hospital".  Well, I will be glad to be in your capable hands Doc, said Win.  The Doctor smiled.  He really liked the boy, he was well mannered and had certain kind of innocence to his face.  

"Ok Win, please get on the table.   We are just going to do a couple of tests today".

"What kind of tests Doc?"   We will be checking for STD's and STI's.   "I also see you have some bruising on your hips, I will give you an ointment that will take care of it in no time.   Don't worry son, myself Boss, Pear and Earn will make sure your are always in the best condition, it can sometimes get a bit rough.   It took Win a moment to realise what he meant. 

Win was playing video games when Pear entered his room.   "Hi Pear, is Bright here?". 

"Master Bright left for Beijing this morning.   He will only be back next week Thursday.  Win sighed.  You will be starting your training with Boss from tomorrow morning.  08h00 – 10h00.  You will then have an afternoon session again from 14h00-16h00".  "Ugh what am I suppose to do in the mean time?".  "Well you can always check out the library or watch a movie in the movie theatre, there is also a driving range behind the rose garden".  

"I had a look at the library but nothing really to my liking.  The most exciting book in there was the God Father".  Win rolled his eyes and Pear smiled.   "Can I ask you to order me some books please?"   He quickly scribbled down a list and gave it to Pear.   Pear raised her eye brown at Win.  "This is mostly law and finance.  I wouldn't have pegged your for the type".  "Well I was pretty good in school, top of my class, so might as well learn some more.  You never know when it might come in handy". 

"Pear,  we have know each other quite a while now.  Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"  Pear nodded.  "How long have you been working here?".  

"I was born into this family Sir" Win's eyes widened.  "What do you mean born into it?  Are you like a relative of Bright?"   "No Sir.   My parents served Bright's father for 40 years".   "Is his farther still alive?"  He could see she was becoming uncomfortable.  "No Sir, he is not."  "Thank you Pear"

Boss really put him through his paces during the training sessions.  He was dead tired falling into bed in the evenings.  They started with Yoga in the mornings, Win never knew he could bend like that.  In the afternoon they did boxing.  He liked boxing; it was a way to relieve some of his anxiety.    He walked into the gym looking for Boss.  There was a sparring match in the boxing ring with a couple of bystanders cheering their respective favourites on.   Win walked to the corner trying not to attract too much attention to himself when he heard a guy say:  "Aaaah finally we get to see the new toy, oh my you are quite a pretty little thing.   Come sit on my lap so you can experience what a real dick feels like".  

Shut up Mill, said Man from behind him.  "Bright will have your neck".  Win was surprised at Man's reaction.  He never spoke much. 

"Aaaah is the little baby that special? 5000 Baht says he will be bored of him by the end of the month, just like the others". Several guys took the bet.

Win was sitting on the balcony looking at the view.   Just like the others, he thought.  Just like the others, over and over again. 

He needed to step up his game.   Waiting for Bright to come to him takes too long, for gods sake they have literally only had sex once.  Bright is probably not even thinking about him.   He had to get into his head too.   Win knew he looked good, he knew he was desirable he was just a little rough around the edges.  He had to get to work.   Looking over the pool, he suddenly got an idea.

He pressed the buzzer,  Pear can I see you for a moment.  "I will be right up Sir"

Hi there,  I was wondering if I can request a couple of personal things?   Sure Mr. Win.  What would you like me to get you. 

Ok first of all I want a haircut.   I most probably won't be able to go for one so if someone can come to the house, that would be great.

I also want some extra clothes.  

Some white and beige slacks.   Some button down shirts, light blue, salmon and white.

Tight Black jeans and black button down silk shirts.  A white dress shirt.

White loafers and evening shoes.  

Oh and some light blue swimming trunks.   The shorter the better.  

And a pair of Ray bans.

I have no idea what people wear when they play golf, but some of that as well. 

And then finally some gym clothes.  Black gym tights, the long ones and some t-shirts and vests.

Anything you think I forgot?"

"Maybe a couple of accessories, belts, chains and a watch."

"Perfect!   Thank you Pear."  "No problem Sir"

Next was the kitchen.  "Hello Miss May, how are you?"   "Aaah Mr. Win, it is nice to see you.  What can I do for you? "

"Miss May I really don't like eating alone in my room all the time.  Bedrooms are for sleeping, not for eating.  Would it be a terrible inconvenience if I took my meals in the dining room.  It doesn't seem like anybody uses it anyways". 

"We would be delighted to serve you in the dining room Mr. Win.  Breakfast at 7:30, lunch at 12:00 and dinner at 8:00".

"Thank you Miss May, you are a darling as always". Win gave her his best bunny smile.  Now off to the last but most important task.

He knocked quietly on the door and slightly opened it.   Earn was sitting in the reception reading a magazine.   "Hi Earn, how are you?"

"Hi Mr. Win, this is a nice surprise.  How can I help you?  Would you like to come for a massage?

"No thank you, I was hoping I can talk to you in private?"   Earn lifted her eyebrow.  "Sure, let's go into the therapy room"

Win was nervous, she could tell. "Ok so I am just going to blurt it out and hope I don't die of embarrassment. I figured you might be the best person to talk to, or well my only hope.   I want to learn how to do some basic massages, like head, shoulder and foot massages." Win blushed a deep scarlet red, Earn thought it was extremely cute.

"Also I am not very experienced with....with stuff".  What kind of stuff, asked Earn. 

"Well the sex kind of stuff".  

"You want to have sex?   Oh god no! I mean yes, but not with you.  I was just wondering if you maybe have some tips for me,  like some Karma sutra type shit." Earn laughed. "I am sure we can work something out Mr. Win.  Oh Earn, please call me Win when we are alone.   Ok Win we will start tomorrow after your gym session".

Win slumped down on his bed.   It was a productive day and today was Wednesday.  Tomorrow he will have to put his efforts to good use.

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