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Bright opened his eyes. He felt weak. He saw Win lying next to him. He had both hands under his head. He wasn't draped over him like usual. Why was he still wearing his suit?

He lifted his arm and put his hand on his cheek. Win slowly opened his eyes. He took Bright's hand in his and leaned forward. He gave him a soft kiss, cupping his face with both hands. "Welcome back".

Bright was confused. He looked around the room and saw Dim, Boss, Man and Pear all asleep on the couch. Win reached for his phone. "Doc. He is awake. Ok, thank you."

Pear stirred. "Oh my God Bright, you are awake! You gave us such a fright". Everyone was awake now and looking at him with concern. "Guys the Doc will be here in 10 minutes. Let's give him some privacy and then I will come talk to you once they are done. Ok Win, Yes Win". Everyone got up and left. Bright gave Win a puzzled look. When did they start following orders from him, he wondered? At that moment Doc walked into the room, he took the Jet a few hours ago so he could personally attend to Bright further.

Win gave him a kiss and left. "You gave us quite a scare young man. What happened Doc? You were poisoned son. Luckily they got you out just in time. It was a close call. You should be fine within the next day or two. Just take it easy and get some rest ok? I don't want to see you out of this room for the next two days OK? Bright? Yes Doc. I am not kidding Bright" 

Bright was beyond furious.

Bright is going to be furious said Dim. Me and Boss will start investigating. Win you and Pear try and keep him calm and get him to rest. It's not going to be easy but just try. Win sighed. He knew all hell was going to break loose sooner or later. The Doc came out of the room. Ok guys, good luck. I will be back later this afternoon to check on him. I have given Pear his medicine schedule, I have included some sedatives in there so he should sleep a lot. It will hopefully make it a little easier on you guys and try and get him to drink as much fluids as possible.

It did not make it easier.

Win was lying naked on top of Bright. Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree if you do not stay here for at least the next 2 hours and get some sleep I will tie you to this bed, Win shouted. They have already done it 3 times and Bright showed no intention of slowing down. 10 Minutes later and Bright was tied to the bed. How the hell did he do that, cursed Bright to himself. He was writhing and struggling and cursing Win. Metawin untie me immediately. Win if you do not untie me now I promise you I will ruin you. Win, now! Win! Wiiiiiiiiiin! Baby, my love....Win looked up. Bright saw his chance. Love, please untie me. My love, please don't do this to me. I can't handle this, it will drive me insane. I promise I will be good. Please my love. You can just come lie here with me.I just need you.  I promise I will be good. Please love. I promise. Win got up and put on a robe, he turned around and headed for the door. You stupid fucking cunt, shouted Bright, you fucking chose punishment. Don't come crying to me when this is over and it is time to pay up. What I did to you last time will feel like a fucking walk in the park. Count my words Metawin.

Win walked out and closed the door. He sat down on the couch with his head between his hands. Pear patted him on his back. "It was nice knowing you Pear".   I don't think I am going to survive this said Win. I will need a panic button installed in my ass.

 Maybe we should sedate him and take him back to Thailand.  We can't do that, he has unfinished business here replied Dim.

Bright woke up. He felt stiff but quite calm. Win was lying next to him. He wasn't tied anymore. Dried blood visible on his wrists and ankles. He sat up against the headboard and noticed the Doc on the couch. He was reading a newspaper. It was already late in the evening. Doc? Hi Son. How are you feeling. Ok I guess. I gave you a mild sedative to get you to sleep a bit. Win here tried his best but you were as stubborn as always. Yes, well me and Win will have some words about that later. Doc looked at him. What is it Doc he drawled? 

 Bright I can only tell you one thing and that is if it wasn't for that boy lying next to you now, you would be dead. Bright looked at Win. He immediately understood the situation and took complete control of everything. If you would had reached this room a minute later it would have been over for you. The clock was ticking and you my friend had no seconds to spare. You owe him your life.

Everyone has been worried sick about you, they have had no sleep and are completely haggard. Now make nice and show a bit of gratitude. This is your team and you are the glue that holds them together and at the moment they are all pretty lost. Now fucking rest so you can get back to being 110% so you can show the bastard who did this to you how it is properly done. With that he got up and left. Oh and Bright, he said while turning the door knob, I charge double for unsolicited advise. He smiled and left.

Bright pulled Win closer to him and put his head on his lap. He could see the dark circles under his eyes. Win snuggled into his stomach with Bright stroking his hair. His fingers getting lost in his curls. Win moaned in his sleep. Suddenly his eyes flew open and he sat up. "Fuck I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, Shit, I'm sorry Bright", he started moving away. Bright grabbed his arm and pulled him back on his chest. "It's ok baby. It's over now." Win almost immediately fell asleep again.

Sunlight crept over Win's face. He stretched and felt like he had slept for days. He could smell Bright's fresh shower smell and saw some steam lingering in the bathroom. He got up and took a quick shower too. He put on a t-shirt and some sweats. He walked out the room and saw everyone sitting on the couch looking at some documents and pictures. Bright saw him and got up. He walked over to him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Morning. Did you sleep ok? Win looked confused. It's ok, Pear will you order us some breakfast. Let's go back to bed. Win looked at everybody even more confused. They all just shrugged. Was Bright going to kill him in his sleep?

They spent the morning in bed with Pear brining in fresh food and drinks every now and then. Dim also dropped some reports that Bright read through while Win played some games. They then watched a movie, it all felt very domestic. "Bright, what is going on? Bright put down his file and took Win's hand, stroking his finger over his knuckles. Win, I don't really do apologies, but I do know I owe you one. Ok.....he waited. So that is still not really an apology? Well I told you I don't do apologies. Win rolled his eyes. This guy. He fell back on his pillow with a sigh. Bright climbed on top of him. I do however do thank you's and I am going to show you just how thank full I am...

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