beat them to the punch

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Bright was sitting at the bar drinking a whiskey when he saw the bar man look up and freeze. There were whispers all around. He turned around as Win was striding towards him, looking as gorgeous as ever. Something was different was the scar. It was as if there was an air of mystery and danger around him. Bright licked his lips. This dinner better be quick. Win squeezed his arm and took the chair next to him. He noticed that all eyes were on them. "Evening lover. Have you had a good day? It was ok, although I can see you have had a very good day from all the notifications on my phone" Win smiled sweetly. It is just so I can look nice for you.  "Anything I should know about tonight's dinner? Any jokers in the pack? No but but Yu is the Ace. He can be a bit temperamental. Ok. What level of flirting am I allowed"? Bright raised his eyebrow. Are you kidding me Metawin? Whaaaaat? Really what is the use of all of this (pointing at himself from head to toe with both hands) if you can't use it? He has a point, said Dim joining them. Ok Ok...level 2 Bright groaned. Win laughed. Level 5 at least. Metawin don't test my patience tonight."

Oh well aren't you delicious, Yu said as he shook Win's hand. Nice to meet you Win. They all ordered dinner and the evening was going smoothly until there was some minor disagreements about finances.

Win was bored and poking at his steak when he said: "It's obviously the kitchen". The table went quiet. Win looked up. Shiaaaaa did I say that out loud. Bright looked annoyed. Ok well might as well sink or swim. It's obviously the kitchen, he said again straightening up. "That should be the first place you look. Your input and output costs are the most inconsistent, so it is not easy to track and effortless to skim some off the top. Do a check on suppliers who have increased their credit in the last 6 months and compare with the sales of previous months. Also do sales by region...I am sure you know the rest of the drill". Yu nodded at an acquaintance who got up and got on his phone. His acquaintance came back half an hour later and whispered in his ear. Well, it seems you are right Mr. Win. The finest bottle of whiskey you have in the house for the fine young man here please. Win held his own the rest of the evening, easily falling into the conversation. Joking here and there and flirting coyly with Yu.

He excused himself to go to the restroom and as he exited the cubicle the door practically slammed in his face. "where do you think you're going"? Bright unbuckled both their pants, pulling, no forcing them down. He slammed himself against Win. Eager much, said Win as he jumped and wrapped his legs around Bright pulling himself up with his arms. "You are driving me crazy out there. I want to kill all of those bastards who keep staring at you". Bright pulled a packet of lube out of his pocket. Let's wrap this up and get the fuck out of here, he said as he pushed into him.  I want you naked on my bed, now! 

Win stretched himself on the bed with streaks of sunlight playing across his chest. Bright got in next to him handing him a piece of toast & drawing circles around his nipple. "What do you have planned for today"? "Umm well whatever I had planned is out of the window now as I don't think I will be doing much moving around, Mr. Playboy. Bright laughed, leaned over and kissed him. Ok take it easy...I am going to go take a shower". Win's fingers lingered on his lips for a few seconds as he watched Bright go......

He woke up later that night. It was already dark. Bright was sitting at the desk working, concentrating on the screen in front of him. Win got up and casually walked over. Bright looked up with a frown. "For God sake Win why are you not wearing any clothes. I really have to finish this". Boxers are clothes, Win smirked. He draped himself over Bright's lap, making himself comfortable.

He looked at the screen. "For God's sake Bright why you doing this stupid report"? He said in the same condescending tone. "I am sure you have a whole department of accountants who can deal with this entry level type of shit. I saw you the other evening as well going through freaking warehouse reports"? I am just spot checking, he replied. My father always insisted. Need to keep your finger on the pulse. Need to ensure you know what is going on in your business. "Oh my God that is so old school". Win rolled his eyes. You should be focusing on the Singapore expansion not some stupid reports. Bright looked at him curiously. "By the way how did you know it was the kitchen, and as a matter of fact how to call out Liu and Zhang as well? "Aaah see I never told you this, but Uncle used to have a little back door gambling operation going on. He could have made a lot more money, but he preferred to keep it under the radar. Some story about relatives in China. Anyways, when I was around 13 I started doing the finances for him. I also watched some of the games when I was bored over the weekends. He was the one that always told me, Win if there is money gone, you must always look at the kitchen first and I would say, but Uncle you work in the kitchen. Exactly, he would reply and laugh. Win smiled fondly.

Anyways, so let me do this report for you quickly, then we can go back to bed. Your excel skills are so outdated you're practically living in the 50's. Bright's eyes widened; Win was done in 2 minutes. He picked up his phoned and messaged Dim.

Win woke up the next morning – he sat up and his eye caught something at the end of the bed. He jumped up. It was a laptop. Yes!! He opened it up and it was already set up.

Good morning Mr. Win.

Please find attached reports for your review and return to me at your earliest convenience.


Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree

Bright was still in the car on his way to his meeting when he got the reply on his phone.

Good morning the esteemed Mr. Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree

Please find attached as requested.


Yours Win Metawin

He only left the hotel 30 minutes ago. Damn the kid was fast. He sent it to his head accountant to check and got the reply that all was indeed correct later in the day.

Ok you little know-it-all. He sent him a mail with 50 reports.

Bright walked into the hotel room when Win jumped on him kissing him all over. "Um Good evening to you too. Don't you still have some work to do? What do you mean, I finished ages ago, you probably missed it". Bright checked his inbox which was still full of unread mail, shit he did. Win smiled.

We must stay a bit longer. Some of the Triads are giving us a bit more trouble than anticipated. We will move into a penthouse tomorrow and Pear, Boss and some more security will join us as well. You will be able to use the pool and gym facilities then. Thank you, kind Sir. Oh or should I call you Boss now? He smiled wickedly.

Win soon became efficient and adapt at dealing with Bright's extra work and they settled into a quick routine. Win preferred it at the Hotel, Bright seemed more at ease for some reason.

Well that's until he got a message from Dim early evening.....He is not in a good mood. Be prepared. Win was unsure what to do. Shall he make himself scarce and just stay out of his way....he decided to run a bath and hoped his nakedness would entice Bright to get in with him and destress. It didn't work. Bright walked into the bathroom and barked, get out.

Win got out and walked into the bedroom. Bright was getting changed. He threw a pair of boxing gloves in Win's face. Get dressed he commanded. I will meet you downstairs.

I walked into the gym, Bright was warming up in the ring. I approached him carefully trying to remember some of the techniques Boss taught me. The shots came hard and fast. He was good. Too damn good. Time to step up Win. He jabbed me in my ribs twice, exactly where he knew it would hurt. You fucking bastard. I ducked his left punch and sent an uppercut into his chin. He shook his head. His eyes full of surprise, but now even angrier. Shit. We were a hour into the match, both sweating. He was relentless but I kept blocking him shot for shot, even getting in a few here and there. The blows rained down heavy again. I had to breathe...I lost concentration for a moment and he took full advantage of it and with one straight shot he hit me full force on the top right corner of my cheek.

I was out.

I left a present for you inside, he sneered at Man as he walked through the door.

Bright walked out of the bedroom the next morning, Dim was sitting on the couch. "Where's Win"? "He is in the hospital Sir, he had a concussion and has 2 broken ribs".

Bright returned later that evening. Win was sitting on the bed in only his boxers as usual. He was working on the computer. He looked up at Bright when he came into the room. He had a cut under his eye, 3 maybe 4 stitches. Bright took his jacket off and threw it on the bed. He walked over to the dresser and started taking his cufflinks off.

"You didn't even come visit me". Bright didn't respond. "Next time, try and aim for the left. I like to keep things even". Bright just snorted and started unbuckling his watch....

Bright....did I ever tell you that I was actually born with a different name. Metawin wasn't my real name. you didn't, he replied absentmindedly.

Yeah, my real name was actually Tine Teepakorn.  Isn't that funny.

Bright froze.

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