bright lights big city

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Bright sat across from Dim in the jet.

"Tighten security around the house and the office. I don't trust Gulf or Mew. We don't know what the outcome of this trip will be, so better to be prepared. Talk to Boss, he has some contacts if we need to bring some more men on board".

Look into the logistics of getting a phone for Win. My number only and wired of course. I want a daily report on all activity. Also setup a secure laptop, but keep that back for now". Yes Sir, said Dim. I have the financial reports for you here and then Iliana wants to know when she can see you? Tonight, is fine, he said.

Win was lying on his bed reading one of his new books when he heard a soft knock. Good evening Mr. Win Pear greeted. Please just call me Win when we are alone Pear. I think we have been through enough together for us to be on a first name basis. As you wish Mr. Win.

What can I do for you Pear. Well I have a present for you. Win immediately sat up and smiled. He grabbed the box and opened it. A phone! Yes!! The phone was already set up.

Thank you Pear, see you tomorrow.

He quickly started typing a message to Bright.

Hey Daddy. I just got my present. It's only fair that I give you a present too, as a thank you. Sweet dreams. He quickly took off his shirt and took a pictures of his chest. Pulling his boxers a little lower than normal. He attached the picture to the message and pressed send. Bright left him on read.

Fine, Win smirked. Ten minutes later he sent a video, he was stroking himself.

Bright was sitting on the couch in his hotel room when he heard his phone ping. He took a sip of his whiskey, picked it up and saw Win's name on the screen. He opened the message and frowned. He wasn't so sure if this was a good idea. When the second message came through, he threw his phone against the wall.

There was a knock on the door. In walked a beautiful, tall, slender woman. She had long honey blond hair with dark eyes. She wore a black dress with a high slit and a fur around her shoulders. You could see she was expensive.

"Bright darling, it has been a while".

"Iliana, nice to see you again".

"Ugh, Whiskey? I told you long time ago you should switch to Vodka".

"What can I say, old habits".

"Ok darling, I don't have much time. There is a high stakes game in a week at the Oceana. Buy in is 1 million. Gulf will be there and he is your connection to Mew.

But first we will need to get you a seat at the table and the only way in will be to remove another player. The easiest target is Choi. He likes pretty boys, the younger the better. He will be at club Sky on Friday. Once he is out of the picture I will suggest you as a replacement. Just keep it clean Bright, we don't want any trouble. Also, I get a 20% cut of the winnings, that's if you make it out alive. Ok, thank you Iliana. I will send you location details via text, now how about a quick fuck and I can go? Not tonight, sweetheart". Iliana just shrugged her shoulders and left.

"Dim, get me all the details you can on Choi and Club Sky. I want the complete layout of the building and I want to know where every camera is situated. Also get Win on a plane. Oh and check if my phone is still working".

"Hi Pear, what can I do for you?"

"Morning Win. We have to pack. We are leaving for Singapore in 3 hours".

"What! Shouted Win. Singapore? Why?"

"I don't have all the details, I just know we need to get ready now"

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