Enter: (F/N) Xiao Long

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


The butt of a katana crashed into the jaw of a giant bear-like creature. As the beast reeled back he shot forward and grasped the blade's crimson handle, a flurry of quick slashes chipping away at bone white armor. With a roar, a paw was swung, the claws that jutted from them sharp enough to turn a man into mince meat. He ducked and slashed.

The beast hit the ground, neck slit open. No blood escaped the wound. Only a thick black smoke as it's body began to evaporate.

"Man, why did I have to get sent out for this crap." (F/N) complained to himself as he sheathed his katana and blew into his gloved hands, stepping over the fading corpse and trudging deeper into the snow blanked forest of dead trees. Another cold breeze pelted his face with more of the lightly falling snow. His nose wrinkled, already red from the cold.

Some might say that Grimm, the pitch black soulless creatures like that Ursa he cut down, were the most dangerous part of living on Patch. (F/N) sincerely believed otherwise. On this little island, protected by water on all sides and close enough for forces from the kingdom's capital city to provide reinforcements in the event of an emergency, Grimm only possessed a threat if you were stupid enough wander off on your lonesome. And that was only true if you were weak.

He was far from weak.

Beowolves, arguably the most pathetic of them, were the most prevalent of the Grimm that inhabited the island; Ursa and other higher tier Grimm like it were rare. So rare in fact that most people back in town had probably only seen them in pictures or recordings.

If you asked (F/N), it was the insufferable winters that people needed to watch out for. He hadn't even been out here for an hour and he could barely feel his face. Being caught out here without the proper clothing seemed no different than a death sentence.

A gunshot rang out across the darkened skies and (F/N) snapped to attention, his annoyance all but forgotten.

He doubted Ruby was in any real danger. She made this little trip of hers at least once a year and the girl could take on some of the first years at Beacon with those skills of her. Any Grimm running across her would be the ones in danger.

Either way, he wouldn't gamble with his little sister's life.

(F/N) crouched down, knees bent and eyes closed as he took a deep breath of the frigid air. Energy; raw power that cried to be unleashed, sparked within his chest. At his call it roared to life, arcing to the rest of his body. His arms. His legs. Even his head. A domino effect that left him almost vibrating. His eyes snapped out.

He leaped.

Countless withered trees zipped past as he sped towards the gunshots. Aura was a beautiful thing; semblances even more so. With this invigorating energy coursing through him everything felt possible even flight. Of course that's wasn't true but a boy could dream.

The momentum of his jump waned. (F/N) didn't waste a moment, flipping and kicking off a tree. The unlucky husk of what had once been lush greenery only months ago splittered, sparks of crimson electricity crawling across the fragmented bark.

Less than a handful of semblance powered jumps later and (F/N) found himself perched upon a branch just strong enough to hold up his body weight. A vast clearing awaited him, the thick snow a blinding white. And at the center of that clearing?

A young girl with jet black hair accented by red highlights stood tall. In her arms was a scythe. Some would say it was too big for her. (F/N) knew better than to push that button.

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