Initiation? Not Quite

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


Beacon Academy. To others just walking its halls was a dream come true. To Weiss Schnee it was nothing more than the first step in a long journey.

Here, where her father's influence couldn't reach, she would be able to carve her family name back into something that could be truly respected. Under his authority it's been marred by rumors of underhanded dealings, horrid work conditions, and plenty more; barely a husk of its former prestige. The Schnee Dust company had been founded to help support the protectors of humanity out in the field by making dust -a once rare commodity that powered weapons and entire kingdom's alike- easily accessible to all in need of it. Not the profit hungry monstrosity its been morphed into by that man.

That's the idea at least.

The fact of the matter remained that as long as the company was in his hands her efforts wouldn't amount to much. First she needed to show the world that her family still held the safety of the four kingdoms close to their heart.

What better way to do that then to become one of the greatest huntresses across all of Remnant? It was a risky endeavor but so was anything worth pursuing.

Naturally, to fulfill these ambitions she needed to take action. She wouldn't be like the everyday man who simply dreamed of what could have been instead of going after it.

That was how she found herself up hours before initiation, slipping out of the quiet ballroom full of snoozing students, and in front of one of Beacon's state of the art training rooms. It wouldn't do to expend herself before initiation but a warm-up wouldn't hurt.

A keypad foiled her entire plan

Weiss's heel rapped against the metal floors. To think she'd gone through all the effort of figuring out where the training facilities were after yesterday's welcoming ceremony only for them to be locked.

A minor setback but it wasn't the end of the world. The school's courtyard had been empty so a light jog should be possible if nothing else.

A beep filled the long hall way. Weiss turned, surprised that anyone else would be up this early.

A teen dressed in a pair of sweat pants and (F/C) tank top entered the building, one hand rested upon a sheathed katana as he stopped before one of the many rooms and slid a scroll over the nearby keypad. A beep and the metal door slid open.

Who was she to turn away from this gift wrapped opportunity?

"Hold a moment!" Weiss called out politely before he could step into the room. His eyes, dark shades of red that she noticed were the polar opposites of her bright blue ones, turned upon her. At first apathetic, they narrowed just enough for Weiss to pick up on the subtle change. It wasn't far fetched to assume he recognized her; her family's looks were rather distinct. Hopefully whatever opinion he seemed to have formed towards her didn't get in the way of this request.

She stopped, sure to keep her back straight and a friendly enough smile in place. It didn't matter if, like him, she wore her workout outfit: a simple pair of fitted but comfortable blue sweat pants and white tank top. She had to hold herself with a certain degree of dignity no matter the situation.

"I assume you are an upperclassmen?" She said. He hummed, no real shift in expression. "I am Weiss Schnee, a first year student." She paused, a clear message for him to introduce himself.

"And? What do you want?"

Weiss fought back a twitch of her eye. That was unexpectedly rude. Any other situation and she would've bit back but the possibility of seeing Beacon's famed training rooms for herself kept her in check.

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