Shady Dealings

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


"Why are you hiding your ears anyways?"

"That's personal."

"Oh come on, what about-"

"Could you please shut up? It isn't too late to get rid of you."

"Shutting up."

(F/N) put away his vibrating scroll and watched out of the corner of his eyes as Sun hounded Blake. The casual blonde was an odd character. Suspicious too. He claimed to have smuggled himself from Mistral for the upcoming Tournament by stowing away on a ship. A faunus with a convenient cover story that couldn't be confirmed, following them and choosing to help investigate the possible connection between Roman and the White Fang for nothing more than entertainment? All too coincidental.

For all they knew he was a member of the White Fang himself.

All the more reason to keep him close. (F/N) thought, ready to draw his katana at a moment's notice. If Sun did try something it shouldn't be difficult to take him down.

At one point or another loud snores left Sun who was sound asleep on the building's edge.

(F/N) refocused on the warehouses. "Were you a leader in the White Fang? I doubt someone with your skills would be just another member."

Blake's bow bent over as she joined him beside the ventilation system he leaned on. She didn't like talking about her time among the group at all. "I didn't give out orders often since I usually worked alongside the leader of the Vale branch but I was second in command until I left." Blake admitted.

"I assume the leader is stronger than you."

"Much stronger." Blake's answer was immediate. There was a far off look in her eyes; one dipped in a mix of sadness and anger. "If we end up going against him don't use your semblance to attack him directly. He can absorb the energy from attacks and redirect them back at us or enhance his own abilities."

"Absorption huh. That shouldn't be a problem. I've fought Yang enough to know that you hit people like that hard and fast without giving them a chance to use any of the built up energy."

Blake shook her head. "If we do see him we should flee not fight. I don't want to risk our lives."

(F/N) clicked his tongue. He didn't care for the insinuation that someone was so much stronger than him that fleeing was the only viable choice but this was Blake's operation. He was here to make sure she got back to Beacon alive not prove himself.

He wouldn't let personal feelings get in the way of that.

"You should get some rest." Blake said. "We'll take turns keeping watch over him and the warehouses."

"Don't worry about me." (F/N) said, loosening the hold on his semblance ever so slightly. The world brightened and power flooded him though none of the usual crimson electricity made an appearance except the sparks racing through the iris of his eyes. As long as he wasn't in a fight or throwing it about, the amount of aura wasted this way was negligible. He could quite literally keep himself up for days at a time. Of course, with his semblance, there always came a consequence. The rebound would be a nightmare to deal with. "I'll handle watch duty."

Blake hummed as she returned to her spot.

(F/N) prepared himself for the long road ahead, completely ignoring his still vibrating scroll.

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