Chasing Thrills

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


"Sorry Pyrrha, I've got to run. I'll see you guys back on campus?"

"Right, we'll see you there." Pyrrha smiled as (F/N) handed over the remains of his cotton candy and ran off. That smile mirrored the drop of her shoulders once he merged into the traffic of the city streets.

It was just her luck that something turned up once she threw together the confidence to ask him to hang out. Who was it that texted him in the first place? They must be important to draw him away from Ruby. Velvet, maybe? (F/N) was always so patient with the timid girl and she, eager to talk with him.

Pyrrha sighed.

Jealousy. It's wasn't a first for her; the friendships so many shared and took for granted always made way for the ugly feeling. She'd almost forgotten what it felt like now that she had friends of her own, but these past few weeks it's cropped up more than she cared to admit, with (F/N) as the root cause. Learning that Coco was the one taming his messy hair. How the more bigoted students steered clear of Velvet due to (F/N)'s watchful eye. So much set it off. Sometimes watching him go back and forth with Weiss could cause the disgusting feeling to rear it's head. Were they flirting? Despite the stark differences between them, they got along with little issue.

Pyrrha nibbled away at the cotton candy much like those fears gnawed at her confidence. She hated this sense of uncertainty. Fighting was so much simpler than relationships and all that came with them.

"Where'd (N/N) go?" Ruby asked once she and Weiss returned from the stand they'd been at.

"He had something to take care of. He said he'll see us back at the academy." Pyrrha said, betraying none of her thoughts.

Weiss scoffed. "Of course. That guy does whatever he wants."

"Ah, mannn. (F/N), never bails on me." Ruby deflated but re-energized herself right after, pulling Pyrrha and Weiss along. "Come on guys! We got to see a lot more so we can brag about how much he missed."

Pyrrha let herself get pulled along and couldn't help but sneak glances towards Weiss. She wouldn't like someone who annoyed her would she? That sounded nonsensical. Then again, who was Pyrrha to decide that.

She was still trying to make sense of the maze that were her own feelings.


(F/N) dropped from a jog to a walk as he turned onto the street Blake sent him. This particular street was free of any of the welcoming decorations and people in general. The tapped off dust store likely kept anyone from setting up any of the festivities in the area. Advertising rampant criminal activity to visitors wouldn't inspire excitement.

He joined Blake on the sidewalk across the closed down shop who awaited him with crossed arms and narrowed eyes.

"I don't get it." She said. "There have been over a dozen robberies in the past two weeks alone. Shouldn't local law enforcement have caught the culprits in the act at least? It doesn't take a genius to see that dust is the target."

"Torchwick is well known in Vale for a reason. If he and the White Fang really are working together it wouldn't be a stretch to assume he's paying off cops while they provide the muscle." (F/N) theorized. "There's no way one man is hauling around all that dust alone."

"But why do all of this?" Blake stressed. She took a breath and turned to him. "Sorry for pulling you away from the others, I know you were supposed to be celebrating."

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