Justice or Insanity?

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


She should've stayed in their dorm room. There she had no worries about flying under the radar or fitting in. But no, she just had to let Yang take charge and have them look into the clubs on campus. Had she kept to herself she wouldn't be facing this dilemma.

Just mind your business. Just mind your business. Just mind your business. The internal mantra did nothing to quell Blake's growing anger. Just ahead, a girl with tall bunny like ears, had been tripped and surrounded by a group of four boys. They trampled upon the scattered pictures, all types of insults hurled as they harassed their victim. There's plenty of people here. Someone will step in.

And yet none of the dozens upon dozens of students bothered to step up or at the very least raise their voice in the girl's defense. So much for being one of the most accepting kingdom's in the world. If they wouldn't stand up for one of their classmates why would any of these huntsmen and huntresses in training risk their lives to protect Faunus they didn't know?

They wouldn't. Blake decided grimly. She turned, headed straight for the bigoted group of idiots. It's up to us to protect each other.

Gloved hands landed on the necks of two of the bullies. Yang's brother stood behind the group, crimson sparks of electricity threatening to strike at the group but always stopping just shy of doing so. Blake slowed, the pair of ears hidden beneath the bow on her head twitching as she strained to hear them.

"-the last time I'm going to warn you. Leave Velvet alone." (F/N) threatened them. They glared at him but none of them retaliated, only slicking away into the crowds. They'd be back when he wasn't around. People like them never learned anything from simple threats.

He helped the Velvet girl gather up her fallen pictures all while warning her that that those idiots wouldn't back off. Once the grateful Velvet took off, Blake separated herself from the crowd and walked up to (F/N)'s side.

"Why bother helping a Faunus?" Blake questioned.

He looked at her. For a moment she thought he'd attack but his glare dropped though the frown on his face remained. "It wouldn't matter if she was a god damn Grimm, Velvet is a friend. That's enough reason for me."

There was this look in his eyes. A dangerous fierce edge that Blake recognized. "You're planning something aren't you?"

He held back his surprise well but the slight widening of his eyes said it all. "They've been doing this for almost a year. I say it's about time someone served those dumbasses their just deserts." (F/N) said. A menacing smirk made itself known, all pretenses of ignorance dropped. He had zero intention of getting a professor involved; this was something he decided to take into his own hands.

Blake respected that but-

"You're strong." Blake admitted. After he wiped the floor with Ruby's team, her team followed suit. Then every first year after that. He managed to take care of the entire class without his aura ever falling out of the green. "But those weren't first years. Are you sure you can deal with all four of them on your own?"

"Is that an offer to help? Weird, you don't look the heroic type." He said jokingly. "Velvet's my friend, I'll handle things my way. Just do me a favor and pretend you never heard any of this." He took off with a wave.

Blake watched him disappear into the schools of students. In terms of confidence and talent he reminded her of Yang but that's were the similarities ended. Compared to her outgoing aura, he was an enigma. A shrouded mystery begging to be solved. Blake banished her curiosity and went her own way.

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