To Live is to Struggle

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


Stabs, all quick but controlled, came his way. (F/N) forced his way past them and hacked away at Pyrrha's shield, each slash pushing her back despite attempts to hunker down.

That team match a few days ago hadn't done Pyrrha justice. She was a good fighter. In terms of raw strength the two of them were comparable enough that he couldn't say for sure who'd come out on top in that regard. As for equipment, there was no way his katana could compete with a spear that doubled as a javelin and rifle all of which worked well with her shield. She was smart enough to utilize those strengths as well. If he wasn't careful she'd be able to back him into a corner.

(F/N) tilted his head away from a stab and raised his katana, adjusting for its unnatural weight.

Then there was whatever this was. Some sort of gravity manipulation? A lesser version of professor Goodwitch's telekinesis? Pyrrha made subtle use of it but he picked up on the signs of her semblance.

From the onset of the match his katana felt heavier and at times, generally when the momentum turned in his favor, there'd be this pull on the blade. A number of strikes whiffed due to the invisible force.

This wouldn't be one of them.

Pyrrha blocked his heavy slash. At the same time (F/N) wretched the metal scarrbard free from its tie at his waist and slammed it into Pyrrha's exposed side. She slid away, face scrunched up in pain as red energy crackled around her.

"You're in the red. This fight is over." (F/N) declared.

"This isn't a tournament."

(F/N) titled his head. He didn't want to hurt one of Ruby's teammates too bad hence his missing semblance and pulled punches but he wasn't one to shy away from a fight either. He was more than a little curious too. Pyrrha stood tall, determined and excited, weapons at the ready.

There weren't many people who entertained his desire to fight. Pyrrha might not have what it takes to beat him but she's a far better opponent than training bots.

Katana sheathed and tossed aside, he cracked his knuckles. "You won't be walking away from this without a few bruises if we keep this up." Pyrrha looked towards his weapon then tossed her own though they landed softly and propped themselves against the wall, guided by her mystery semblance. (F/N) chuckled. "Aren't you full of yourself."

"Confidence in myself is a good thing. Is that not what you told me?" Pyrrha said, fists held up defensively, no stranger to hand to hand combat.

Another chuckle left him as he cracked his neck. He wouldn't have minded being on a team with someone like her.


Tossing aside Akoúo and Miló had been a mistake.

Pyrrha bit the inside of her mouth hard enough to draw blood, the familar bitter taste spreading across her tongue. Yet another of her punches went deflected and earned her a sharp punch to her exposed side. Her aura cushioned it but the shield wouldn't last much longer.

The way (F/N) wielded his katana had been wild, unorthodox, lacking all the hallmarks that came with proper training. Using her semblance to weigh down and redirect his weapon barely helped her avoid the vicious swings. To that end she thought going hand to hand might offer some sort of advantage.

Two more punches earned her another arm numbing parry that she just barely block.

(F/N) was better without than with his weapon. His entire style changed from that of an oppresive offensive to an ironclad defense, attacks more reactive than proactive. Any attempt to route his defense ended the same way; Pyrrha's balance thrown off and her momentum turned against her. The harder she hit, the harder those counter punches slammed against her aura.

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