Come one, Come All

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


Glynda was impressed.

While she wasn't directly involved in many of the events held across Beacon's campus -the sheer amount of labor involved in them would interfer with her mountain of duties- they were all recorded should teams wish to review their performance as well as to discourage any foul play. She'd kept a tab on the ones miss Rose registered for and now that a measure of free time landed on her desk, Glynda was taking the time to review the recordings of the team.

(F/N) forgoing orders and dominating their opponents. That's what she expected. Instead he demonstrated an uncharacteristic amount of restraint; playing support, suppressing the more destructive elements of his semblance, and disengaging all on Ruby's orders. Subtle frowns signified his dissatisfaction whenever she pulled him out of the action but he did well to keep it to himself. If only he showed such accommodating behavior toward others.

Perhaps it was time to look into making his temporary agreement with Ruby's team into something more official. It'd be a shame if he didn't get the chance to participate in the upcoming Tournament.

The four of them would represent Vale well.


"Ah, yeah! Another win!"

"How is this possible? I made sure my character was levels higher than yours this time."

"Skill, Weiss, skill. Don't worry you're getting better. We can duel again after we do more quests."

"No! I demand another match."

(F/N) watched quietly from his bed as his would be teammates played games on his couch. He had no idea when it was decided his room would be their headquarters -they met here to discuss their plans without any say on his part- but it was amusing to watch Ruby slowly induct the resistant Weiss into the world of gaming. Tactics and surprisingly enough rpgs drew her in though that competitive streak made it easy for Ruby to goad Weiss into any game. Pyrrha happily played anything but she was bad. Absurdly bad. Friendly fire and her went hand in hand.

"Glad you guys are having fun but didn't you gather us here to talk about something Ruby?" (F/N) said.

"Oh right." Ruby shot up in front of them all. "Since we got back into the top ten we should celebrate."

"I suppose a break from training wouldn't hurt." Weiss readily agreed with the decision for once.

"What do you have in mind, Ruby?" Pyrrha asked.

"No idea. Maybe we can visit Vale? A game night? Or maybe-"

"Actually, this week is the perfect time to head into Vale." Weiss said, drawing all of their attention. "I overhead that this Friday, students from other kingdoms should start arriving for the Vytal festival-"

"Which means they'll start setting up stands to welcome them. Now we have to go to the city! Everyon in favor of visiting the city after classes on Friday say, aye." Ruby finished Weiss's thought with her own, excited by the prospect.

"Aye." (F/N) went along with the idea. It didn't sound like a bad time and he was a little curious as to what the foreign students had to offer. Pyrrha followed which left Weiss.

"What?" Weiss asked after noticing all of their looks. "I came up with the idea, obviously I'm in agreement."

"You have to say aye." Ruby said.

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