Trouble in Paradise 2

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


"Your plan isn't working."

"You didn't even follow the plan. I thought we agreed to leave most of the fighting to Pyrrha, why did you keep jumping in like that?"

"I tried to turn things in our favor. Had you come up with a better plan-"

Pyrrha tuned out her arguing teammates.

(F/N) stood across the arena, eyes shut, one hand on the scabbard and other on the handle of the sheathed katana itself. By all means they should've been safe. There was no way to reach them from that distance, not before they could defend themselves. The goosebumps that spread across her arms said differently.

That crimson electricity. It was dangerous. The air around his katana contorted and vibrated, seeking to escape the violent build up of energy only for the powerful sparks to strike out in chase. Whatever it was he was preparing, they needed a plan. Now.

"Ruby." Pyrrha called out, eyes glued to (F/N). Looking away would be a mistake. "What exactly is his semblance?"

Ruby joined her, eager to get away from Weiss. "(S/N). It makes him super fast and even stronger but....." The girl trailed off, just as alert as Pyrrha. "I've never seen him focus his semblance into his katana like that."

"Any weaknesses? Something we can take advantage of?"

"He used to say it was hard to control."

"Used to?" Weiss said, now beside Ruby.

"Well, that was before his first year in Beacon. Its been a long time since we praticed together."

"Oh great, just wonderful. So your entire plan was based on outdated information? Did it not occur to you that he, I don't know, would've learnt a few things attending one of the best academies in all of Remnant?" Weiss chided Ruby, each word drenched in sarcasm.

"What is your problem?!" Ruby finally snapped back. Pyrrha couldn't blame the girl; more than a few of Weiss's comments were unnecessary but this was the absolute worst time for an argument. "This whole day you've been nothing but mean to me while I've been doing my best to cheer you up. It's our first day as a team, why are you being so moody?"

"Don't talk as if I'm the problem. You've been nothing but an irresponsible brat since classes started."

"Guys, focus. We-" Pyrrha turned to calm the two before things got any worse. A shadow shot past her. No, it wasn't a shadow, it was (F/N)'s long black hair! He stood between Ruby and Weiss, both shocked stiff by his sudden appearance. How had he cleared the distance between them so quickly?

Pyrrha jumped at him, shield up. He drew his katana.

The world tumbled, turned, and twisted. What was going on? Could a semblance be powerful enough to shake the foundations of the world itself? Two blurs swirled around alongside her, one white and the other a blend of black and red.

Weiss and Ruby!

Pyrrha snapped out of her daze. It wasn't the world that was spinning but them; with a single slash (F/N) had sent the entire team flying in a whirlwind of crimson electricity alongside pieces of the arena. Her arms and legs shook, her stomach churning. Sparks of the same electricity crawled across the invisible layer of aura that protected her, unable to pierce the sturdy wall but chipping away at it all the same. It thanks only to her semblance that Pyrrha managed to reorientate herself, leaping across the tiles knocked loose by (F/N). She landed back in the arena, short of breath and dizzy but still in the fight.

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