In Pursuit of Power

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


Roman stepped into an darkened warehouse. One of the many safehouses he kept around Vale. Dropping into a chair and lighting a cigar, he took a long draw, blowing the smoke up. He watched the puff dissipate before taking another.

There was something cathartic about burning through these things; they were an expensive brand that had to be imported from Mistral. To think there was a time where he wouldn't have dream about wasting lien on things like this. Now he did it without batting an eye.

He'd come a long way.

Beeps filled the empty building. Roman pulled out his scroll. A response from Junior this soon? Typically it took the man a few days to collect and compile information on people unless they were a significant figure.

J: Everything I got, free of charge. Whatever you do with the info, leave me and the family out of it.

A picture of that raven haired, crimson eyed teen and a long list of information followed the message. The boy must have caused a lot of trouble before interferring at the docks if an opportunist like Junior decided to hand out information without a cost. That made things easier for Roman.

This boy, (F/N) Xiao Long according to the text -a former student of Signal academy and second year at Beacon Academy- could be a major problem. Had it not been for Neo, escape would've been impossible and even then, he fought her, genuinely fought her. Neo, who on occasion toyed with professional huntsmen if the job called for it, had to take a student of all things seriously. If he kept sticking his nose in their business they needed to be ready to take care of him.

Information was the first step to handling any variable.

Roman forwarded the messages to Neo. At the same time, the door to the warehouses slid open with a slam. He shot up and his chair hit the ground, the dull cling of metal echoing.

"How very disappointing Roman."

"I wasn't expecting to see you guys so soon." Roman said, relaxing. As much as he could anyways.

Three figures, shrouded by darkness, blocked the entrance. A woman headed them, her amber eyes like flames. It was unnatural. Unnerving.

"We expected more from you." The woman said. Arrogance and condescension mixed together to form that sultry voice of hers.

"Hey, you're the one who had me start working with those mutts from the White Fang. It's not my fault they sent a bunch of bumbling fools who can't handle themselves." Roman fired back. If a handful of those grunts knew how to fight they wouldn't have been forced to flee with nothing to show for their efforts.

The woman walked forward, the click of her heels filling the warehouse, while the other two remained at the door. A wild flame appeared above her her hand, ashened-black hair and dark red dress illuminated by its light.

"And you'll continued to work with them, all we ask is a little cooperation." She said.

Roman shied away from the flame.

Cooperation his ass. At first the money was good. Lien by the truck loads just to rob a few dust stores? When they started asking him to go after shipments from Atlas he hadn't thought much of it; it wasn't his first high stakes robbery. It turned out to be too good to be true. After his first success they brought in the White Fang and had him hitting deliveries weekly.

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