The Scariest Teammate Ever

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


Talk about a blast from the past.

Pyrrha couldn't help but adjust her bracer as she gauged the teams scattered throughout the spacious waiting room they'd been herded into. After a short discussion, they -she, Weiss, and Ruby since (F/N) didn't care enough to vote- decided the first mixed event they'd take part in was a tournament styled series of battles against other teams. The fourth and third years all looked formidable, each team a tight-knit group of friends. The second years lacked the same vibe but Pyrrha knew better than to judge books by their covers. Luck wasn't enough to earn a spot in Beacon.

After her third and final victory in the Mistral Regional Tournament Pyrrha never thought she'd end up in a situation like this again.

At least she wasn't alone.

Ruby and Weiss sat side by side on one of the metal benches that lined the walls of the room, engrossed by the match displayed by the TVs above. The former obsessed over the weapons while the latter took mental notes on the capabilities of the battling teams should they end up facing one of them. (F/N) wasn't bothered by the upperclassmen around them, sitting beside Ruby and laying against the wall, eyes closed.

Pyrrha put an end to her ritualistic gear check and took up a seat at his side, nudging him with a shoulder. He cracked open an eye and hummed.

"Feeling confident?" Pyrrha asked. She knew his answer already but that was part of why she found him so interesting. He was an open book that didn't hide his thoughts or intentions.

"We didn't spend a whole week preparing for this to lose." He said.

"It doesn't worry you that we'll be going against fourth and third years?"

"Just because they're older doesn't mean they're better. Trash is still trash no matter how long it's been around." Pyrrha smiled in amusement. "What? Did I say something funny?"

"No, no, I just find it interesting how you can be so similar to your sisters yet so different." She explained. All three of the siblings were talented and quick to express themselves. She didn't want to call him pessimistic but he clearly saw things a bit differently than his upbeat, cheery sisters. He was a realist. A realist with an ego. "You shouldn't write our opponents off so soon. They've all worked hard to get here. It would be unwise to underestimate them."

"I guess you have a point." To her surprise he opened his other eye and began to survey the room like she had been doing earlier. Usually he just brushed off people's warnings.

"You know Pyrrha,-" He started after a moment. "-people like you irritate the shit out of me."

Her smiled wavered. Pyrrha was grateful he wasn't looking her way. Sure they weren't especially close, no where near as close as he seemed with the members of Coco's team at least, but she'd come to see him as a friend. One of her first. And truth be told she was interested in him. A interest she thought returned in some form or another due to the month or so they spent training together. (F/N) didn't waste time with people or things that didn't intrigue him.

For him to so brazenly admit something like that....well it stung.

"What do you mean?" Pyrrha asked doing her best to keep her voice steady.

"You're stronger than most people I know so why do you take shit from others?" (F/N)'s gaze flicked about. All at people who were peaking their way and no doubt whispering about one of them. It was still hard to believe so many saw him as someone to be avoided. "I know it's bothering you so why not do something about it?"

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