A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


Another week, another girly hairstyle.

(F/N) twirled a portion of his neatly style bangs between a finger. The outer layer of his hair was pulled into a circular crown like braid that led to a ponytail where the rest of his straightened locks were allowed to flow freely down his back.

"Do you even have enough hair to pull off something like this?" (F/N) asked as he rose up from between Coco's leg and returned her hand mirror.

"Not right now but it never hurts to pratice for the future. I might just grow out my hair when it's in season." Coco said.

"Happy to be of service." (F/N) said sarcastically.

After Coco packed up her stuff and he grabbed his katana, they left behind his room. The halls of the reserve dorm were empty, the click of Coco's heels and the hum of the building's central AC providing the only signs of life. Not unusual for a Sunday. The main dorms were likely in a similar state, most students tired from whatever activities they indulged in the day prior.

"You know-" Coco said out of nowhere. "-I heard something interesting the other day. People are saying Rufus' team have been stuck in the infirmary."


"The bastards who are always pushing around Velvet when we aren't around."

"Oh those guys." (F/N) kept a poker face and shrugged. "Sounds like good news to me."

"No arguments here but when I heard about their injuries I got to thinking; who would do something so violent? From what i heard, one of them might be eating eating through a straw for the next few days."

"And you're thinking that somebody is me."

"I know that somebody is you." Coco said confidently as they made it to the first floor and headed towards the exit. "I'm not saying I haven't thought about teaching those guys a lesson myself but you know Velvet won't be happy when she finds out about this right?"

"What's there to find out? I didn't do anything."

"Yeah right." Coco blocked the double doors that acted as the exit and tilted her sunglasses downward, a serious gleam in her dark eyes. A rare look coming from her. "I know you like to do whatever you please but try not to do anything to get yourself expelled." The serious edge vanished as she gave a playful grin. "Beacon won't be the same without my personal doll around."

(F/N) clicked his tongue. "I'm no one's doll."

"Denial isn't a good look on you." Coco called out as she took off towards the main dorms.

He shook his head and headed his own way.

Professor Goodwitch. Blake. And now Coco. That made three people who for all intents and purposes knew about his less than acceptable handling of those dumbasses. He doubted any of them would go around spreading that information. Other than the headmaster's, Professor Goodwitch had no reason to draw attention to something she couldn't prove and Blake appeared to take his side in the matter. Coco was a bit of a wild card but she's more likely to dangle it over his head to get a small favor or two. That he could deal with.

The last thing he wanted was Ruby or Yang catching wind of it. Especially Ruby.

(F/N) dropped from a brisk walk to a more leisurely pace once the massive training building came into view. Pyrrha stood beside the entrance, arms behind her back and a friendly smile already directed towards him. Her weapons were propped against the wall behind her and she wore a pair of sweat pants and tank top like yesterday.

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