Ozpin Sucks at Math

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


"The first person you make eye contact with upon landing will be your partner for the next four years." With a single sentence, the headmaster ruined their plans entirely. "Together you will make your way to the northern end of the forest where you will retrieve an artifact. Be warned, while there are teams on standby in case of an emergency, you will meet heavy opposition. Do not depend on our assistance; here at Beacon your life is in your hands, whatever decision you might make."

Ruby looked absolutely floored by this development while Weiss hid her surprise behind annoyance. Pyrrha was right there with them, except she had no plans of simply letting the chips fall where they may as it's said. She may not exactly see Weiss as a friend. The girl clearly approached them to make use of their skills, but ambition wasn't a completely bad thing. More than that, Pyrrha had no intention of losing Ruby after spending most of yesterday bonding.

Luckily, semblances were beautiful things.

With most students scattered about and whispering amongst themselves on this cliff that overlooked a dense forest that spanned as far as the eye could see Pyrrha had little issue subtly whispering to her teammates.

"Ruby, take this." She removed the dull golden bracer around her left forearm and placed it into the confused girl's hand. The same happened to the similarly made band closer to her shoulder. "Weiss, you hold onto this."

"So cooool but why are giving us pieces of your armor?" Ruby said.

Pyrrha gave them a slight smile. You see, her armor and weapons didn't just happen to look similar to appease some fashion sense or stay consistent. One little quirk of her semblance was how it reacted to metals of different types. Everything from the headpiece to her boots were compromised of a material she found not only the easiest to control but the easiest to track even over great distances.

"For now let's just say it'll make it easier for us to meet up." She said. They didn't exactly have time for in depth explanations. "When you land, hide amongst the trees and I'll make my way to the both of you."

Weiss nodded, the band hidden in a pouch that more than likely contained extra vials of dust. "An ability of the semblance you never talk about, I assume?" Pyrrha nodded, not surprised to see her teammate, or rather soon to be teammate, was quick on the uptake. Weiss seemed the sort who planned out most things.

"Oh, cool...but what if this is cheating?"

Weiss huffed. "Using the abilities we've honed to balance things in our favor hardly sounds like cheating. If they had a problem with it I'm sure they would've made that clear, this is the headmaster himself we're talking about."

"I guess you have a point." Ruby said as she followed Weiss's example and stored the bracer in one of her pouches. It peaked out but looked secure enough that Pyrrha wasn't worried.

The blonde professor beside the headmaster stepped forward. "Now, take your positions." At her order the chatter faded as students took up positions on small metal platforms. "Are there any questions before we begin?"

"Uh, yes." A tall blonde raised his hand, obviously nervous. "This landing. What do you mean by that?"

"Mister Arc I presume?" The professor said. "It's as the headmaster explained." She gestured towards the first student in line. The metal platform below them catapulted them through the air above the forest. "You will be launched into the forest. Afterwards you will employ whatever strategy you see fit to complete the objectives assigned to you."

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