Float Like a Nevermore, Sting Like a Deathstalker

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


One alpha and over a dozen normal ones.

A pack of beowolves circled Weiss, their pointed claws digging into the dirt as they sized her up. If they thought she'd simply sit around and let them decide the best to begin their assault they had another thing coming.

Cool energy rose from within, much like the icy winds back home. Poised, her aura flowed outwards beyond the thin invisible shield that protected her. A glyph, bluish-white in color with hands that resembled a clock, appeared at her feet. The pack of Grimm hesitated but a low growl from the alpha that prowled along the clearing's edge kept them in place.

A mistake. If they had fled they would've survived instead of wasting her time.

The hands of the glyph spun quickly and in the blink of eye she's face to teeth with the alpha. She stabbed. The beast leaned just enough that the would be fatal stab for its neck pierced through its shoulder, the bone like armor no different than butter due to her speed. Weiss pulled Myrtenaster free and jumped, the swipe of one of the lesser beowolves cutting through where she had once been.

She flipped and her aura flowed outward once again. This time a black glyph appeared. She landed on it and everything shifted. Up became down and down up, her off center ponytail still flowing down her back despite the fact that for all intents and purposes she was upside down.

With her semblance she'd reversed the laws of gravity. At least in the space governed by the glyph.

It was widely agree that semblances were in no way hereditary; two huntsmen with incredible similar abilties could give birth to a child with a semblance that had nothing to do with theirs or even none at all. The Schnee family was the only exception to this rule. This semblance of hers was passed down through the generations, refined and prefected by each user. This unbelievable feat was just one facet of her family's incredible power.

A power she intended to use to restore her family name to its former glory.

Weiss spun Myrtenaster's dust chamber and brilliant orange flames flared to life around the thin blade. With a crouch she shot past a trio of leaping grimm. The heat seared through flesh and bone, their evaporating corpses splitting in two as they hit the ground.

The remaining Grimm regarded her with caution. A bloodcurdling roar from the injured alpha did away with that and they all charged at once.

The swipe of their claws and snap of their jaws struck quickly but were nothing compared to her speed. Nothing compared to that second year who more or less handed her victory with his own carelessness. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you can do without any shitty rules. His words rang in her head. How could she hope to accomplish her goals if she allowed such a simple challenge to go unanswered?

Weiss made efficient use of both dust and semblance to cut down the pack all while she flipped and twirled away from their one note attacks. In the end smoking black remains surrounded her; not even the cowardly alpha capable of escaping her speed.

This was just the start. By the time initiation was over, him and all the other upperclassmen watching things unfold wouldn't dare to look down on her.

The trees behind her creaked. She turned.

Is that...Weiss took a step back frowning. A pure white head, more than double her size and like that of snake's, loomed overhead. It's beady red eyes zeroed in on her still flaming blade.

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