Seeds of Friendship

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


"No?" Glynda's furrowed her brow utterly baffled by (F/N)'s nonchalant refusal to participate in the mission. He stood across her desk, stretching to wind down from her impromptu assessment of his abilities. While he came to her office not even an full hour after receiving the offer just as expected, under no circumstances had she predicted him denying it.

"Yep. I'm going to pass on it." (F/N) confirmed with a roll of his shoulders and a crack of his neck. "Is it really that surprising?"

Glynda pursed her lips. This was the same student who spent most of his first year beating his way through his classmates. When he wasn't fighting he was training. And when he was living like a normal student; playing games, studying, and socializing, it was only to pass time until the next training session. Who in their right mind would've thought someone like that would deny the opportunity to put all that training to work.

Glynda adjusted her glasses and regarded him with a stern eye. "I assume you have a good reason for rejecting this opportunity?"

"My sisters only get one initiation. I can't cheer them on if I'm busy fighting Grimm." A.....surprisingly normal reason; nothing like the half baked excuses he tried to give her when he wanted to avoid extracurricular activities.

"That's assuming they pass."

(F/N) sucked his teeth. "Please. Yang was the top of her class back in Signal and from what I heard you were there when Ruby stopped that robbery so you've seen her fight. There's no chance in hell those two would fail a simple practical exam." She certainly couldn't argue against that.

Yang Xiao Long's record passed through her office and from what Glynda gleamed she was a star student. Stellar grades, little to nothing in the way of attitude problems, and prior experience with Grimm. The ideal Beacon student from every angle. Ruby Rose's entry strayed far from the norm but Glynda got the chance to verify the younger girl's skill set first hand. Her hyperactive personality might pose a problem but her potential was nothing to scoff at; to wield a scythe with such finese in conjuction with a semblance at that age required a degree of talent seldom seen by Glynda despite all her many years of teaching. She could only hope Ozpin's decision to fast track the girl didn't stifle that talent.

(F/N) seemed to be nodding to himself, not a trace of doubt to be found. A chuckle slipped out from her.

"Something funny, teach?"

Glynda coughed and straightened back up. "Not at all mister Xiao Long. It's just rare for you to care about anything other than fighting."

"Thaaaattt feels like an insult."

"You are allowed to interpret my words how you see fit. If there's nothing else you are free to leave." (F/N) looked as though he wanted to say something but thought better of it. "Oh, and do keep in mind that it is against academy policy to give any aid to the first years. That includes sharing the location initiation will be taking place. Any infraction will incure severe disciplinary action."

"Dammit." (F/N) swore just loud enough for her to hear as he left the office.

His rejection to her proposal required her to find another team to take care of the work intended for him. Due to the sheer speed and versatility offered by his semblance, (F/N) was one of the few students who could do an entire team's worth of work alone. A slight annoyance but she found she didn't much mind it.

Many professors took on apprentices; aspiring huntsmen and huntresses who's training they paid special attention to. Glynda didn't much like the system and made it a rule to never engage in an apprenticeship with any student. It certainly promoted competition among students but seemed no better than a sanctioned form of favoritism. Why focus on a select few favored students when it was the job of professors to ensure all prospered under their teachings?

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