The Here and Now

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color
(S/N) = Semblance Name
(W/N) = Weapon Name


Years Ago


(F/N) hit the ground face first, fragile shield of aura shattered like glass. He huffed and puffed but couldn't regain his breath, chest aflame and tightening the more he tried.

"Get up boy." His mother ordered, voice closing in on him, prepared to hit him whether or not he listened. Battles didn't stop once he was out of aura; one of the first lessons drilled into his head.

(F/N) rose, shaky limbs burning hotter than his chest. He couldn't give up no matter how much it hurt but he couldn't win either. Not without cheating.

He clutched a handful of dirt in one hand. A stupid idea that might make her angry but he really wanted to win.

He spun around and flung the clump of dirt at her face. (F/N) didn't stop there, pulling back the small wooden katana -the first gift his mother ever given him without his dad playing a part- and tossed that too.

If this didn't work, nothing would.

Raven's slow advance didn't stop, the larger wooden replica of her weapon blowing apart the clump of dirt. Bits of it soared past her slash, getting into her eyes just as planned. She neither blinked or winced. Her next slash sent his thrown katana flipping upwards. She caught it before it hit the ground.

Armed with both of the wooden weapons, Raven stared down, red lines slowly forming around her crimson eyes.

"Fuck." (F/N) swore.

"Fuck indeed." Raven said. "You lost your weapon and have no aura. What will you do now?"


She smirked. Faster than he could blink, a katana jabbed into his stomach forced what little breath he regained out and sent him sliding across the dirt again. "You best get to running then boy."

He barely pushed himself away from the next attack, only to be caught by a smack to one of his arms. "W-Wait, mom! Give me a headstart!"

The plea fell on deaf ears, his mother hot on his heels no matter how desperately he tried to escape her clutches. It was only after bruises riddled his aching body and he was left flat on his back staring up at the cloudy skies above that the hits finally ceased.

"You're mean." (F/N) whined.

"You threw dirt in my eyes." She said, sitting down and taking him into her lap.

He flinched, nearly forgetting how he ended up being chased around their backyard. He was just so tired of losing. A single hit; that's all he needed to win but he'd never come close.

"Sorry." He muttered. Even if he wanted to win, he shouldn't have done something like that to his mom of all people.

"And? That doesn't change what you did." She said harshly. "Don't ever waste time apologizing, (F/N). Anyone can come up with excuses and fancy words to avoid taking responsibility for what they've done. Face the consequences of your decisions and if you aren't happy with the results, do whatever you have to until you are."

(F/N) looked up at her, confused. "Then how am I suppose to say sorry?"

"You've got nothing to apologize for. Anything goes in a fight as long as you come out alive."

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