Of Weapons, Aura, and Memories

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


"I can't believe that girl forgot her scroll."

Pyrrha followed Weiss up the stairway of the reserve dorms, the girl's grumbles tuned out. Weiss was a chronic complainer and Pyrrha found that it was for the best to nod along and let her vent about the source of annoyance.

The reserve dorms weren't all that different from the normal ones. There were more rooms per floor since each one only had to house one or two students at a time. The hallways were quieter as well. It should've been peaceful but the startling silence weighed down on her in a way that Pyrrha couldn't quite describe or explain.

Maybe it reminded her too much of the lonely days she spent back home in Argus. If she hadn't teamed up with Ruby and Weiss, she would've ended up here. Alone and whispered about as always.

Pyrrha pulled herself back into the here and now as they emerged onto the top floor. She had friends now. The apathy that began to take root in her life had no place now that her hopes had come true.

"Now which room is his?" Weiss wondered.

"That's cheating!" The familiar yell of their captain came from the room at the end of the hallway.

"That answers that." Weiss said, slightly amused. They headed over and after only a few knocks the door swung open, a flurry of roses momentarily blinding them as Ruby swiftly returned to her spot.

They both stepped in.

(F/N)'s room was neat if a little sparse on the personal side of things. Besides his weapon and other scattered equipment, the only thing that stood out was the picture on the nightstand beside his unmade bed. He, Yang, and Ruby were all in it with a tall blonde man she assumed to be their father behind them. All of them wore smiles.

Pyrrha couldn't say she was surprised by the bare room. (F/N) never struck her as the sentimental type.

Both (F/N) and Ruby sat on the couch in his room, controllers in hand and eyes glued to the TV on the simple entertainment center kept in one corner of the room.

Oh, wow. Pyrrha's examination of the room came to a stop once her eyes landed on (F/N). She knew he was fit but knowing something and seeing something were two very different things. Slim compact muscle and abs made up his body. Was she she staring? She was staring. She should probably look away.

"P-Put something on!" Weiss exclaimed. Her pale skin didn't help hide the red hue thats developed around her face. Pyrrha wasn't the only one who found (F/N) attractive it seemed. "Why would you let us in if you aren't even dressed?"

"Eh? I am dressed." (F/N) said, still tapping away at his controller, shoulder to shoulder with Ruby. They were playing some sort of fighting game. "Ruby's the one who opened the door not me, so blame her."

Weiss huffed and crossed her arms. She was doing a horrendously poor job of hiding the glances she snuck at (F/N). At least she was trying. Pyrrha still couldnt be bothered to look away. If he and Ruby weren't preoccupied with their game both of them would've been caught red-handed. "That's hardly the point. It's improper to have company over when you aren't dressed accordingly. We-"

"Ha! I win!" Ruby cheered, arms thrust into the air.

"Yeah, after twenty loses." (F/N) said but that didn't stop Ruby from basking in her apparent victory. He laid down his controller and finally looked to them, ignoring Ruby's pokes and gloating. "You guys are cool and all but I'm not about to let someone come in my room and tell me how to dress. You're welcome to leave if it bothers you so much."

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