A Possible Distraction

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color



(F/N) wasn't an expressive person. Maybe expressive was the wrong word. He never hesitated to let his anger or annoyance be know and now, with his sisters attending the school, he smiled nearly as much as any other student. Solitary might be the more accurate description. Barring said siblings he didn't seek out others to talk to. She'd probably started more conversations with him than he did with her.

That said something coming from someone as timid as Velvet.

It went without saying that a guy like that wouldn't intentionally allude to something being wrong or trying to confide possible problems in anyone.

All the same, from the stands above, Velvet noticed that something wasn't right with (F/N) who was down in the combat arena, dominating one of their fellow second years. While (F/N) put an emphasis on challenge and enjoyment during matches, it wasn't unusual for him to rush a fight he deemed a waste of time. A bit -well completely- arrogant on (F/N)'s part but that's just who he was.

The way he swung his sword, relentlessly raining slashes upon his struggling opponent, struck Velvet as robotic. None the calculated, split second decisions embedded within his style were present. He might be down there fighting but his mind might as well be a kingdom away; his body was simply going through the motions.

"Does-" Velvet started hesitantly to her teammates. Would (F/N) appreciate her bringing attention to his possible problems? Not likely. That assumed she wasn't look too deeply into nothing. "-(F/N) seem a little off to you guys?"

Fox shook his head while Yatsuhashi shrugged. Coco looked up from her magazine and watched for a few moments before returning to the pages.

"Looks like he's in his element to me." Coco said nonchalantly.

Maybe it was all in her head then? Just her semblance causing her to take what might just be an off day for (F/N), too seriously? Try as she might Velvet couldn't explain away the feeling that something was up.

Coco tapped her thigh to Velvet's. "If you really think something is wrong why not talk to him in between classes?"

"You don't think he'd be mad about me butting in on his business?"

"Girl, you've got nothing to worry about. We all know (F/N) is a big softie when it comes to us." Coco said as she flipped to another page. "Besides, he's in no position to get angry at you for something like that. He's always getting between you and bullies, I don't see anything wrong with returning the favor."

As always, Coco's reasoning made sense.

The rest of combat passed quickly and soon they were shuffling through the crowded campus all splitting off in different directions. Velvet hurried after (F/N), uttering quick apologies to the people he bumped past. She really should called after him but Velvet hated raising her voice unless absolutely necessary.

Eventually she managed to catch hold of his wrist between school buildings.

"Velvet? Don't you have class to get to?" (F/N) asked as he faced her.

"Oh, I do but I-" Velvet struggled to form the right words now that she caught up to him. There didn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary. The feeling still persisted inspite of that. "-are you alright?" She finally got out. The odd look she received in return cause Velvet's face to heat up as she released his wrist and hastily explained herself. "It's just that when you were fighting it looked like something was on your mind? But now that I think about it was probably just my imagination." The odd look remained and Velvet's embarsssment grew. She'd made a big deal out of nothing didn't she.

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