The Docks

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(F/C) = Favorite Color


"Where are we?" Pyrrha asked Ruby.

After more aimless wandering the young girl decided to bring Penny and Pyrrha to some barren alleyway not quite in Vale's residential district but also not in the industrial area. It rode the line between them, not too far from the docks.

Ruby tapped away at a keypad beside the thick metal garage door they stood out of. "This is (N/N)'s garage. Yang checked it yesterday but I thought we should double check just in case." She said. The keypad released a long beep and the latch that kept the door locked lifted, the door raising just enough to be lifted open. Ruby spun around, serious. "Before we go in remember these rules. Rule number 1: Don't touch anything. Rule number 2: Don't touch anything. Rule number 3: Don't touch anything. Got it?"

"Affirmative. Nothing shall be touched." Penny agreed with a salute.

"Oh, uh, sorry Penny but could you stay out here and keep an eye out? My brother wouldn't want anyone he doesn't know that well in here."

"Understood. I will maintain overwatch of the area." Penny said as she took up a spot beside the door.

After Ruby raised the door, the two stepped in. The garage was tight and compact, little space to freely walk around. One side was dedicated entirely to mechanical work, a variety of tools set up along the wall beside a slick motorcycle, pitch black in color. And beside that sat a variety of weapons from a large scythe, all the way to a standard black handgun. The otherside of the garage housed weights, a pull bar, and bench.

With the two of them it was a bit cramped, but alone Pyrrha could see why someone would enjoy spending their time here. It made a nice place to get away and think or relax.

While Ruby looked around for clues about (F/N)'s whereabouts, Pyrrha wandered over to the weapons. They were all in pristine quality, not used but still maintained to keep rust at bay.

Ruby must have made that for him. Pyrrha thought after she noticed that symbol of a silver rose on the handgun's handle. (F/N) didn't bother with such things, no thought paid to style when it came to his katana. He didn't even name the thing.

Among the scattered weapons a steel flask wrapped in burnt leather caught her eye.

"Does (F/N) drink?" Pyrrha asked curiously. Technically speaking it would be illegal but people played fast and lose with the whole age thing in their field of work. Ruby was a special case where it would be generally enforced but if any of them were caught drinking there'd be warning about moderation but no follow up.

"No way. He hates alcohol." Ruby looked over and her eyes lit up. "Oh that's our uncle's. When we were younger, we trained with him a bunch. If we could get his flask from him before time was up, we won. I thought (N/N) threw it away or lost it but I guess he kept it." Ruby recounted fondly before crossing her arms and pouting. "Now that I've been training with you and Weiss, I'll definitely get my win next time I see him."

There were other notable things here and there.

A sidecar and helmet for his motorcycle, both decorated with roses: according to Ruby, she brought him to the city so often before he went off to Beacon, (F/N) had both custom made for her. It was a bit amusing that he considered safety when it came to Ruby but there wasn't a helmet in sight for himself.

A dented metal bat tucked into a corner: Ruby didn't know the story there but Yang said (F/N) killed his first Grimm with nothing but an old bat when he was a kid. A child hunting grimm.....somehow it didn't sound impossible if that child was (F/N).

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