Epilogue of the old world:A reason to(not) live

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Isekai. Isekai (Japanese transl. "different world" or "otherworld") is a Japanese genre of speculative fiction—both portal fantasy and science fiction are included.

It sounds like something that happens in an anime. Logically thinking, it could be possible. The possible existence of different dimensions. It exists. You must be thinking 'Why should I believe you?' Hehe...of course you won't, because you haven't experienced it...unlike me.

Yes, I've been to a different world. One, which is very different from mine. In many ways.

Different worlds. Some are similar to mine or yours, but yet different. My world...was destroyed. I vastly remember the scenery. Blood...everywhere, as far as the eyes could see. The bodies of my friends, family, my comrades...everyone. They just laid there...their lifeless eyes looking into mine.

I always asked myself...why? Why was I the only one left alive? Why was I the only one that survived? No...the question was, Why... Why did they had to die? What was their fault? Did they commit a sin? But there is no sin that can't be atoned. So why?! Why were they killed?! Just because they were a part of the world that was to be destroyed by Ragnarok?! Then why did I survive?!

Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?!

Loki....Razevan....Shalba....you sick f*cks....Even after all these years, you released the 'Konton' upon my world.
I lost everything that day. I was just an aimless soul when I came to this world, but that changed......

...it all changed on that fateful day....when I met you.....

Why do people live? I once heard from someone's mouth,"Is there really any value...to this thing we call living?". That got me to think. Why do people live?  Because they want to be successful ? Or because of their parents who gave birth to them?

No...the answer is...because they want to. Everybody came to this world with a reason, they just have to find it. You don't have a reason to live? That's fine. You may not have a reason today, you may not have a reason tommorow, but you'll definitely have a reason to live one day.

We want to live because we want to experience the things that life shows us. The experiences we get, the feelings we come to feel, and the people that we come to cherish. That's what makes life beautiful. That...is what makes you human, regardless of your race.

Heh~, you must be thinking,"what a boring guy, he talks like an old man!"
....well, when you're forced into a war, it changes your way of thinking. War changes people. Either you change for the better, or for the worse. That's the case with me...the 2nd Evil Dragon War changed me.....

I still remember, we were the same at that time. I was searching for a reason to live while you had lost the will to live. Our souls were broken. Lives were turned upside down. Yet....we found our reasons.

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