Chapter 9: Blooming Sakura/Stigmata

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-"normal speech"
-[Sealed being talking]
-"possessed being talking"

The next morning in front of Senba High School, the girl who had transformed into a herrscher, came across the weapon that the Valkyrie from the other day used, the Oath of Judah. The cross was standing there on the gates of the academy. No one was near it. It just stood there, as if blocking her path. The cross' master should've been already dead, but the girl, the herrscher felt something strange.

She felt a feeling of threat coming from the weapon. She couldn't pinpoint why, but her gut feeling told her that the cross in front of her must be dealt with.

"What an eyesore" , said the half-born herrscher as she commanded her wines to attack it. The vines came to life, they launched themselves towards the cross and...


The vines merely bounced off the weapon. The herrscher clicked her tongue as a drop of sweat was apparent on her cheek.

"Don't waste your strength."

Act 1:Blooming Sakura

She heard an awfully familiar voice. The herrscher heard footsteps as she turned and saw the white haired valkyrie that she tried to kill yesterday.
Theresa put her hands on her hips as she said with a smirk.

"The divine key, Oath of Judah, was made from Soul Steel and was designed to withstand a herrscher's attacks. A herrscher imitation like you can't even put a scratch on it even if you used your full power."

Theresa said proudly as the herrscher looked at her with a blank look and replied.

"Oh? Is that so?"

Then, the herrscher grew an evil smile on her face as her emerald eyes glowed green with malice.

"I don't know how you got rid of my poison in your body, but you're only a dumbass who unexpectedly came back to die."

The herrscher said to Theresa aa she blushed out of embarrassment.

"T-That was because the last time I got careless for a split second. That's all!"

Theresa then pointed her finger at the herrscher as she said ignoring the small blush of embarrassment on her face. A tick mark grew on her forehead.

"If I focus, I can easily take on someone like you!"

The herrscher only laughed at her remark.

"Hehe. For a midget such as yourself, you surely talk big."

Her vines came to life again as she launched them at Theresa with a command of her hands.

But Theresa was ready this time. She leapt off the ground at the direction of the herrscher as the vines hit the ground, at the place where Theresa was, destroying it completely. Theresa, gathering the honkai energy in her body, kicked the herrscher in the stomach, earning a grunt out of her.


The herrscher used her vines by digging them in the ground to slow down her velocity as she stopped. She looked at the ground as she saw the long trail that her vines had made by embedding themselves in the ground.

She looked up as she Theresa sitting on her weapon, the Oath of Judah as she said.

"Too slow~ As long as your vines don't hit me------"

Theresa showed her tongue to her as she pulled down her lower eyelid while closing her other eye in a childish manner.

"Your poison won't have any effect."

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