Chapter 13: The bone of my sword

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-"normal speech"
-{Sealed being speaking}
-"possessed being speaking"
-"past thoughts"

St. Freya High, Valkyrie Dorms

In the dormitory of St. Freya, where Squad V lived, only two people were present there. Those two being Raiden Mei and Bronya Zaychik. The rest of the residents had gone out. Himeko was in the ICU, Theresa had taken Kiana for training and Shirou had went out to buy some groceries that Mei asked him to bring.

Currently, they were playing a game on the TV. The screen read "Koukai Fighter". They started the game and selected their characters. Bronya selected a character with the name "Tuna Knightbeam". Strangely enough, that character resembled Kiana....

Mei selected a character with the name "HakuRyuu". Another coincidence was that the character resembled Shirou in his balance breaker but without the helmet. Mei took that character on purpose thinking that it would be lucky since it resembles a certain someone.

They started the game as they began playing.

"Hiyaa! Hng! Kyaa!"

With each hit that her character took, Mei let out a moan of pain as if she was the one getting hurt.

With each hit that her character took, Mei let out a moan of pain as if she was the one getting hurt

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This was the first time she played a video game so she took it a bit seriously.
Bronya deadpanned at her actions as she kept wiping the floor with Mei in the game.

[Eat this! Neko Blast!], Tuna Knightbeam roared out as HakuRyuu was hit by a laser canon.

[Ouch! Ouch!], HakuRyuu grunted in pain as he was on his last life while Tuna Knightbeam was on half of the health bar. Mei then exclaimed.

"Kyaa! Can't I even win once?! I'm losing foe the 23rd time! I can't beat Bronya-chan at all!"

While Mei was busy with her preaching, Bronya sneakily reached out for her controller and pressed a button.

[ARC DRIVE!], came written on the screen.


HakuRyuu unleashed laser beams with each word from his fists and legs and defeated Tuna Knightbeam.


[I went easy on you, Kouhai~], came HakuRyuu's victory line.

[Senpai...doesn't know hold back...], Tuna Knightbeam said before passing out.

Mei raised her arms in victory as she exclaimed.

"Kyaa! I've finally defeated Bronya-chan! This character is now my favourite!"

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