Prologue Arc›2: Bonding

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-"normal speech"
-'thoughts' in 3rd Pov
-[Sealed being talking]
-"Sealed being talking to others"
-past thoughts



"Whatever decision you take, we're with you, leader!"

................I couldn't do it.

"Don't overwork yourself. Take a rest bro."

................I should've given it my all.

"You're my rival! If you let something like this stupid curse take over you, then how can you be a true hero?!"

..................Because I'm not.

"I'm not a hero."

I open my eyes as I woke up in a cold sweat.Another dream. That same dream has been recurring to me for these past few days. I don't know if it's the regret of not being able to do anything or the curse. I don't know......if I could hear him, then I would've known if it's the curse or not.

Team Avalon has perished. I'm whatever that is left of the team. My emotions are unstable. I have to let it go....otherwise I would become a threat to this world. Even if it's an unfamiliar world, it still has people in it. I can't afford going on rampaging like a beast a second time. If that happens, I doubt anybody would be able to stop me.

I get rid of my train of thoughts as I get up from my bed and go to the bathroom of my apartment to freshen up. I open the shower as I felt the warm water hitting against my body. When I first came to this world, I didn't had a place to stay. So I looked for part time jobs here and there. Finally, I got a job at a cafe named Cat Cave. I worked part time as a waiter. My employer, Ms. Sakurazaka was kind enough to lend me a roof over my head to sleep.

For 6 months, I worked at Cat Cave and saved up money. I didn't know what to do with it so Ms. Sakurazaka told me to attend Senba High school. Of course, I protested but she wouldn't take no for an answer. My food and stay was looked after by her. Seriously, I can't thank her enough for her kindness.

I exit the shower and wear my school uniform, then locked my apartment and went to School. As soon as I entered the classroom, the students who saw me, started gossiping about me.

"Look! It's that guy who defended that wh*re."

"Why would he defend a b*tch like her?"

"She's probably doing him everyday in return."

The last one filled me with rage. I glared at the group as they flinched. I unknowningly let some of my aura out as the temperature of the room dropped. Some of them were shivering.

"You wanna say something? Say it to my face, cowards. I'm not like those who make friends with others for their own benefit."

I glanced at Mei to see her reaction. She had a surprised look on her face for a second before she looked down again. The others had shocked reactions as to say how did I know their secret. I ignored the b*tches as I went towards my seat. I sat down as I prepared myself to survive this boring lecture.

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