Chapter 12: Attack on St. Freya!(Beginning of the AE invasion Arc)

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-"normal speech"
-{Sealed being speaking}
-"possessed being speaking"
-"past thoughts"

St. Freya High

Log entry: 023947-TA

Return from the mission was successful. All the deployed valkyries and knight have returned back.

However,Major Himeko Murata and knight-in training, Shirou Ikari, passed out on duty during a secret mission.

We managed to evacuate both of them from the mission site. Shirou Ikari had passed out due to exhaustion and has now made a full recovery. Major Himeko, however....

Her honkai energy levels are unstable. Her poor honkai adaptability had made her vulnerable to honkai energy spikes like these.

Please be alright Himeko...I'll pray for you in my prayer room.

And if it becomes necessary, I'll ask G-Grampa for help. And if he won't help...I'll throw a tantrum or two....maybe three...or four...

Just be alright, Himeko....

St. Freya High, Intensive care unit(ICU)

In the medical bay of St. Freya High, Himeko was being treated. Her honkai energy levels had spiked up during the mission and she was getting corrupted.

Himeko, who had a poor honkai adaptability, had a higher chance of getting corrupted and getting turned into a honkai. Her body and face had formed white patches on it, indicating that her zombification had progressed. Right now, her condition is somewhat stable, but anything can happen at this point. The doctors were trying their best to somehow lower her honkai levels with the best of their abilities.

They injected a serum in her body that could lower the honkai levels of an individual. Right now, they could only hope that it would work.

Everybody from Himeko's squad was concerned for her health. Especially a certain white haired tuna.


Kiana stood by Himeko's side. Her eyebrows furrowed, her eyes gazing on Himeko's face. Her face had a look of concern mixed with sadness. She was extremely worried. Himeko just laid there with her eyes closed. Her rhythmic breathing was hearable to Kiana, who stood silently by her side.

"How did it come to this...?"

The poor girl said in a low voice. She reached out her hand towards her.



Her hand was grabbed by Himeko, who was now awake. Her skin had turned completely white! Himeko was corrupted completely!


Himeko let out an inhuman roar as she tried to bite Kiana.

"A-Aunt Himeko! S-Stop!!"

She somehow pried her hand off as Kiana ran off as she ran outside the room. The girl was sweating heavily, her breathing was fast, she was running fast before she stopped because of...


She turned around as she saw the person the voice belonged to. It was none other than her father, Siegfried Kaslana...

 It was none other than her father, Siegfried Kaslana

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